100 Floors – Annex: Level 11
100 Floors Level 9 in the Annex Tower was released on September 25 on an official update that brought 15 brand new stages to the classic 100 Floors game. This stage is found in the Annex section of the game and the seasonal section has not been updated.
In this stage you job is to remove weights that will equally balance the weights on both sides. When you begin the stage you will see lines on the left and right with red and blue. The rights in the middle are also marks with the colors red or blue. The objective is to tap ont he middle weights and they will drop towards the ground.
The Solution
You must tap the weights in this order if you do not see it in the image then we will number them from 1-5 from left to right. There is 6 weights but you only require 5 taps to complete the stage so please be aware of this and don’t waste your time trying to remove them all.
From left to right tap
- #1 (Far left – Red)
- #4
- #2
- #3
- #6 (Far right – Blue)
Once you do this there is one weight left over and the door should open. If it did not then you probably misunderstood the instructions to completing the stage. Please retry until you are successful at opening the door in Level 9 of the Annex tower in 100 floors!