100 Floors – Annex: Level 13


100 Floors  Level 13 in the Annex Tower was released on September 25 on an official update that brought 15 brand new stages to the classic 100 Floors game.  This stage is found in the Annex section of the game and the seasonal section has not been updated. So if you’re looking for new seasonal events, there won’t be any until the next update.

In level 13, of the Annex Tower for 100 Floors, it’s based on a time sensitive meter that moves. When you begin the stage, you will notice a red line at the bottom right corner. Pick it up then place it into the right side of the door and now you have a fully functional device when you press the button.

When you press and hold the button the green line will move and so will the red one. Your job is to make sure you let go to stop them in the color it represents 3 times in a row and each time the top red light will light up to green. If you fail you will need to repeat the process.

Once you have completed that successfully the door will open and that’s it for Level 13 in the Annex Tower of 100 Floors!

100 Floors - Annex Level 13

  • anyoum

    I don’t understand I can’t do it

  • Buddy

    Just keep trying!

  • anonymous

    I can’t get passed the first light! The annex are the only levels I have left.