100 Floors – Annex: Level 14


100 Floors  Level 14 in the Annex Tower was released on September 25 on an official update that brought 15 brand new stages to the classic 100 Floors game.  This stage is found in the Annex section of the game and the seasonal section has not been updated. So if you’re looking for new seasonal events, there won’t be any until the next update.

Level 14 is a pretty simple and easy to understand stage in the Annex tower. What you need to do when you begin the stage is that you will see a drawing at the bottom floor of the stage. You will notice a 6 at the top 3x 2s and 2x 1s. This deals with math and you will need to solve the puzzle the same way with the number 9 at the top of the door with lines running down the bottom to the squares where numbers can be inputted.


You simply need to tap the answer which are four different numbers into the wall and then the door will open. If you want to solve this on your own then follow the diagram at the bottom and make the sure it adds up to the number 9 with the three line that is drawn on the door.

The answer to the puzzle is 3051

100 Floors - Annex Level 14