Dragon City: Frankie Dragon

Dragon City: Frankie Dragon

The Frankie Dragon is a special dragon in Dragon City Mobile that was released on October 17th 2013. This dragon can only be found on the Halloween Island that is only available for a limited time and you cannot breed for this dragon.

Oct 142013
Dragon City: Columbus Dragon! Limited Time, 1 Day only!

Available for a Limited time to celebrate Columbus Day is the Columbus Dragon. Made available on October 14, 2013 as part of the celebration, and only available for 24 hours, this dragon cab be yours at a discount of 90% OFF of 1000 gems making this dragon only 100 gems in Dragon City player’s islands. [Open page......]

Dragon City: Columbus Dragon

Dragon City: Columbus Dragon

The Columbus Dragon is a hybrid two-element dragon in Dragon City Mobile released on October 14, 2013 of the celebration of Columbus Day on October 12 2013. The dragon is known as a Terra element dragon and bares the symbol of a white Terra ray and can be obtained when combining with another element.

Oct 112013
Dragon City: Pharaoh & Sphynx Dragon Available For Limited Time

Available for a limited time in Dragon City is the Egypt Island giving you an opportunity to get super rare and exclusive dragons like the Pharaoh Dragon and the Sphynx Dragon that’s only available for a limited time. Facebook players of Dragon City will find that this dragon is not new but they have gotten an opportunity [Open page......]

Dragon City: Pharaoh Dragon

Dragon City: Pharaoh Dragon

The Pharaoh Dragon is a special dragon in Dragon City Mobile that was released on October 9th 2013. This dragon can only be found on the Castle Island and cannot be bred.

Just like the Pirate & Dinosaur & Castle Island, this Egypt Island is available for 7 days and after 7 days will be removed from the game. So don’t miss your chance to get this Knight dragon! It’s other friend is the Sphynx Dragon!

Dragon City: Sphynx Dragon

Dragon City: Sphynx Dragon

The Sphynx Dragon is a special dragon in Dragon City Mobile that was released on October 9th 2013. This dragon can only be found on the Castle Island and cannot be bred.

Just like the Pirate & Dinosaur & Castle Island, this Egypt Island is available for 7 days and after 7 days will be removed from the game. So don’t miss your chance to get this Knight dragon! It’s other friend is the Pharaoh Dragon!