DragonVale: Watch Dragon

DragonVale: Watch Dragon

The Watch Dragon is a light or dark hybrid dragon in DragonVale is a dragon released on October 9th 2013 as part of the Dark and Light Dragons event in the game. You can either pick to use Light Magic or Dark Magic in the event and fill it up once it’s over you will be able to have your Rift Dragon imbued with that element.

DragonVale: Light Dragon

DragonVale: Light Dragon

The Light Dragon in DragonVale is a dragon released on October 9th 2013 as part of the Light and Light Dragons event in the game. You can either pick to use Light Magic or Dark Magic in the event and fill it up once it’s over you will be able to have your Rift Dragon imbued with that element.

DragonVale: Glass Dragon

DragonVale: Glass Dragon

The Glass Dragon in DragonVale is a dragon released on October 9th 2013 as part of the Dark and Light Dragons event in the game. You can either pick to use Light Magic or Dark Magic in the event and fill it up once it’s over you will be able to have your Rift Dragon imbued with that element.

DragonVale: Heat Dragon

DragonVale: Heat Dragon

The Heat Dragon is a light or dark hybrid dragon in DragonVale is a dragon released on October 9th 2013 as part of the Dark and Light Dragons event in the game. You can either pick to use Light Magic or Dark Magic in the event and fill it up once it’s over you will be able to have your Rift Dragon imbued with that element.

DragonVale: Nightshade Dragon

DragonVale: Nightshade Dragon

The Nightshade Dragon is a light or dark hybrid dragon in DragonVale is a dragon released on October 9th 2013 as part of the Dark and Light Dragons event in the game. You can either pick to use Light Magic or Dark Magic in the event and fill it up once it’s over you will be able to have your Rift Dragon imbued with that element.

DragonVale: Dungeon Dragon

DragonVale: Dungeon Dragon

The Dungeon Dragon is a light or dark hybrid dragon in DragonVale is a dragon released on October 9th 2013 as part of the Dark and Light Dragons event in the game. You can either pick to use Light Magic or Dark Magic in the event and fill it up once it’s over you will be able to have your Rift Dragon imbued with that element.