Aug 282012

There is 6-7 days remaining to join this event in which will give you an Atlantis Fish! The Atlantis Fish is actually the grand prize for this week and you cannot breed the Atlantis Fish. There is only 10 of these fish in the world as it says below but how in the world do you get them? Well let us explain

How to get Atlantis Fish

If you want to get the Atlantis Fish in Fish with Attitude, you must breed Adventure Fishes. That means each Adventure Fish you hatch from an egg will be logged. Once it is logged you will be placed into the score board and once the event is over the person with the highest score will get to collect their reward in the game.

There is no breeding to the Atlantis Fish as we know it so get set and begin breeding against other players!

Fish with Attitude Atlantis Fish

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  • 100 floors 22
  • adventure fish fish with attitude turtle

Fish with Attitude: Atlantis Fish


With the new update released on August 27 2012, Fish with Attitude introduces special events to players that want exclusive fishes like the Atlantis Fish. The Atlantis Fish is said to only have 10 in the world and is the grand prize to the people that breed the most adventure fishes. That means it’s not about breeding your fishes but being able to breed the most of a certain fish and granted prize for this fish.

“The lost city is real, and we need YOUR help to explore it! Breed Adventure Fish to join the hunt for fame and glory – hatch the most for fabulous riches!” - Fish with Attitude: Atlantis Fish “Turtle Event” Description


Fish with Attitude Atlantis Fish Event

Release Date: Aug. 27th 2012
Update Version: 2.2.21
Event Duration: 7 Days

Breeding Time: 
Egg Hatch Time:
Buying Price: 
Selling Price: 175Fish with Attitude - Cash

Fish with Attitude: Atlantis Fish Breeding guide

There is no breeding for this Fish. It is part of Fish with Attitude’s rewards and special events dubbed the “Turtle Event”. Your task is to breed as many Atlantis fishes as you can and compete for the grand prize. It is said there is only 10 of these fishes out there.

Comment below to discuss your perspective on these special events being introduced.

Fish with Attitude: Turtle Event Information

Fish with Attitude Atlantis Fish

Fish with Attitude Atlantis Fish Event 2

Fish with Attitude: Atlantis Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Atlantis Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Fish with Attitude: Atlantis Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult