Oct 212013

Fish with Attitude is celebrating Halloween with two brand new fish for you to breed and collect in the game! Jump-in and find the Monster Bride Fish and the Headless Fish both available only for a limited time through breeding or purchases in the game during this time. That means you can only get this fish during this time and once it’s gone.

How to Breed Monster Bride Fish

Fish with Attitude Monster Bride Fish

The Monster Bride is a fish that’s available for Halloween just like the Headless Fish, you can get the fish using the Model Fish and the Crazy Fish in the breeding tank. “This spooky fish is the latest Model created by some Crazy inventor!”

How to Breed  Headless Fish

Like the Monster Bride Fish the Headless Fish is also a Halloween Fish that is only available for a limited time to celebrate Halloween.

Description: “All the Paparazzi are fighting to catch a glimpse of this magnificently Evil fish.”

From the description, you can get the Headless Fish using the Paparazzi Fish and the Evil Fish. The breeding time is 8 hours and the hatching time is 4 hours.

These fish are only available for a limited time during the event and will be removed and cannot be bred even if you know the combination. Keep in mind that the fish may return at one point or another.

Fish with Attitude Headless Fish

Jun 092013

Fish with Attitude has a brand new fish in the game called the Fairytale Fish, this fish was released on 7th of June in 2013. This fish was released right after the expiration of the Egyptian Fish which was released for 14 days the weeks prior. The new fish released is also limited edition and is available for approximately two weeks from initial release and will be removed like all limited edition fishes in the game.

Fish with Attitude Fairytale Fish

Developers have hinted the combination for obtaining this dragon in the game and their hint is as follows:

This fish is an Artist in the medium of magic. She uses her powers to help other fish with their Adventures!

So did you get the hint on obtaining this fish? Well if you haven’t don’t worry the combination to breeding this fish has been tested to ensure that it works in your game.

How to breed the Fairytale Fish

Breeding the Fairytale fish is simple. The developers have provided us with the hints to be able to breed one of these magical fishes in your game.

The breeding combination to getting one of these fish is using the Artist Fish and the Adventure Fish. What you are looking for is an 8 hours breeding process which should take 4 hours for the egg to hatch in your game.

May 132013
Fish with Attitude: Lifeguard Fish is now available

The Lifeguard Fish has been released for its first time in 2013!  For it’s first appearance in Fish with Attitude, this fish is definitely a star to have for your game. Colored in golden yellow and red, this limited edition fish is the savior of the sea. The fish is available for 16 days from [Open page……]

Jan 052013
Fish with Attitude: How to breed Police Fish

The Police Fish is released for Fish with Attitude! This new fish is a limited edition fish and has been a fish that players have been waiting for in their game. The police fish features a really unique design that looks like a police (well at least in imagination).  While in its baby form, this [Open page……]