Dec 062012

As the clock is ticking away, so is the timer on the Sun Fish and Moon Fish in Fish with Attitude for players. These are certainly two amazing fish(s) and a must have for any collector. In most games, these two fish or animal or traits are rare. And It’s rare in Fish with Attitude too, so getting one of these fish will certainly make your holidays this season.

Fish with Attitude Sun Fish Baby

If you haven’t gotten the Sun or Moon Fish yet then now is the time. There is less than 23 hours and probably even less after this writing so be sure to look into getting the Sun and Moon fish in our Moon Fish and Sun Fish pages. The last thing you want is to miss your chance at getting two awesome fishes when you’ve been following along so closely and have gotten most fish.Fish with Attitude Moon Fish Adult

Players experiencing crashes or other bugs when entering the store can always breed it. We know some devices are pone to crashes while others take an extensive time to load. That’s why we recommend you hitting the breeding tank in stead of trying to check it out in the store. And you can always follow along here.

Good luck breeding the Sun Fish or Moon Fish and hopefully we’ll see more bug fixes for Fish with Attitude players and new fish for the Christmas season! Stay tuned.


Oct 302012

Fish with Attitude has just updated to version 2.52. Some of us are excited to see new updates -especially for Fish with Attitude. That is because there are players out there experiencing problems with the game for quite a while now. While bugs on many devices have been fixed, but not on The new iPad.

Fish with Attitude icon cool fish

Well, we’ll discuss more about some problems we’ve been encountering and hearing later but first things first, the update. Update 2.5.2 says that they’ve fixed a two important bugs for players that are having problems with their game. For which device we’re not sure, while we have experienced problems they’re not the same as ours. So if you’ve been having problems then you’ll definitely appreciate this new update!

Two key problems have been fixed in this update and the first one relates to unlocking new breeding tanks in your game. If you wanted to unlock that second breeding tank and experienced problems then you might want to try to update to the latest version of your game.

The second bug fixed in this game relates to the storage tank in your game. If your game was crashing when you were buying new storage space or moving fish in and out then it has been fixed in this new update.

Other bugs

For the new iPad (dubbed iPad 3), some players may experience bug crashing in the market. We’ve tested it and it’s definitely a problem for the new iPad and while on other devices the “spinning” icon may load slower, it is processed at the end. For The new iPad users, your game will crash when you enter the market or try to purchase or look at a fish’s description. It’s annoying and hopefully it’s fixed soon.

What’s New in Version 2.5.2

-Fix for people who are unable to unlock new breeding tanks.
-Fix for people experiencing issues with the storage functionality.

Oct 122012
Fish with Attitude: Update 2.4.4, Storage Tanks

Fish with Attitude players, the game has been updated to 2.4.4 with Storage tanks and bug fixes. You have written to us about experiencing bugs, and crashes that even new iPod users are experiencing. And we’re here to let you know unfortunately many players are experiencing the same issue. Hopefully this update will address some of the [Open page……]

Sep 212012
Fish with Attitude: Update 2.3.2, more tanks

Fish with Attitude just updated with version 2.3.2. In this update you will find more tanks than before for your increasing collection of fish. Added into this update is there is now a total of 15 tanks for your Fish with Attitude game and you can keep all those fish you’ve been breeding and even [Open page……]

Aug 282012
Fish with Attitude: Update 2.2.21, Turtle Events

Fish with Attitude finally updates with verion 2.2.21 for Fish with Attitude players and they are introducing something new! What are they introducing into this new 2.2.21 update for Fish with Attitude? Well the update packs quite the punch and we will update you with more information as we further test out the goodies in [Open page……]

Jul 262012
Fish with Attitude: Independence Fish is Glitched back

Some players may notice that the Independence Fish is back in the market and in a short time too! There is actually 1 hour left, we’re unsure if it is a glitch or a special guest fish for your Fish with Attitude tank! Regardless if you started late or couldn’t breed one, know that the [Open page……]