Dec 042012
Littlest Pet Shop Review

A cute panda looking dog, a pink poodle, and how about a style-ish fancy looking chihuahua? I’m sure this new Littlest Pet Shop game will have it all on your mobile device. The game is inspired from the Pet toys by Hasbro Company. It is developed and published by Electronic Arts and now you can [Open page......]

Dec 022012
Zenonia 5 - Wheel of Destiny Review

Zenonia is back with the fifth installment to their popular jRPG franchise dubbed “Zenonia 5 – Wheel of Destiny”. We love Zenonia, in fact, the Zenonia series was actually the very first series we’ve done guides for and players loved it. Zenonia  4 was released about the same time as it is right now in [Open page......]

Nov 092012
DragonVale: Now Released for Android!

Brace yourself DragonVale fans as now you are able to play DragonVale for Android devices! Yes it’s out DragonVale is out for Android devices and that means you can play with all your cute adorable dragons right on almost any Android device version 2.3 and up. Some devices may not be compatible though. So check out [Open page......]

Nov 052012
Monster Warlord Review

You know, not many of us had played this style of game since Pet Live and the “Live” series of games. We’re glad Gamevil decided to revamp the old formula of these style of games in Monster Warlord because it’s one challenging and addictive game. Monster Warlords takes players on a challenging adventure where you’ll [Open page......]

Nov 032012
Outlaw Review

Atari used to make one of the finest arcade games in the world (still is). And Outlaw is one fine game for your mobile device. It wasn’t long ago (for some) when you actually held a fake gun to the screen and shot ducks at home. Today you can still buy an electronic gun and [Open page......]

Oct 312012
Apple & Android Halloween Game Specials (Limited Time only)

Hot off the press and updating you on deals for Halloween Game Specials is a list of quality games that are discounted, gone free, or was just newly released! Please keep in mind that most discounts and FREE games may return to its full price if you do not download them today. Some of these games [Open page......]