Jul 192013

Peacekeeper is a new mobile game for Apple devices, most recently released on July 3, 2013. Peacekeeper is a mix between a shooter, strategy, and puzzle game which gives it a very unique feel. Once players get used to the easy controls and play it for a while in order to develop a strategy. It is rated 12+ for frequent and intense realistic violence and gore as well as cartoon/fantasy violence. Even so, it doesn’t rank as violent as some games out like, such as the GTA series.

Peacekeeper Review Screen

 Gameteep Rating: 4 Stars

Peacekeeper icon

App Name: Peacekeeper
Seller: Spil Games Fire B.V.

Release Date:
July 3, 2013Apple iOS
July 3, 2013Android OS

Genre: Arcade
Gameteep Rating: 4/5

Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Peacekeeper Gameplay

The gameplay of Peacekeeper is pretty simple. Players play as a character known as a peacekeeper who fights against various enemies to “keep the peace.” Each level consists of waves of enemies, who become harder and harder to defeat as the levels progress.


The basic enemies are shooters who shoot guns that project one missile per shot. The next type of enemy to come out are knights who chuck swords at the character and then the shooters become more complex and shoot guns with three or four bullets that spray.

There is also the occasional boss. The controls of the game are easy but they require a developed strategy in order to make it through each level. By swiping up and down, the character moves up and down along the left side of the screen while the enemies come out from the right side of the screen. Tapping the screen shoots and letting go is basically defense.


In order for this game to be enjoyable, players must get to know how each enemy moves and works. This will eventually cause players to come out with a strategy. Sometimes it almost feels like a puzzle. Players also move through each level by collecting gold and upgrading their guns, ammo, armor, and more. One of the best parts of this is that gold can always be won through each battle. Unlike many mobile games that are currently on the market, players are not required to buy more gold with real money in order to be able to proceed throughout the game. There are absolutely no in-app purchases or “trial levels,” which is what appealed to me the most.

I felt like Peacekeeper was a true video game for mobile devices. Of course, no game is perfect and there is one flaw. I noticed that the game constantly crashes right after a battle, resulting in the loss of the gold, which is pretty annoying. Thankfully, the game is so fun that it will make players want to keep going anyway.

Peacekeeper Graphics

The graphics in  Peacekeeper are 2D and cartoon-like. They are basic yet modern for the times. The only drawback is that if you’re using a device with a small screen like an iPod touch, your thumb will cover the enemies and it may be hard to see where to shoot. There is plenty of blood, which is the main cause for the game’s 12+ rating. The background for each level is the same but the game is so action-packed that the maps don’t even matter here.

Peacekeeper Sounds

Lots of cool sounds to listen to while you spray your enemies with your bullets.

Peacekeeper Round-up

Overall,  Peacekeeper is a true video game for mobile devices. The best parts of it is that there are no in-app purchases which may turn off players who are not looking to spend money. The biggest flaw of the game is the constant crashing, which hopefully the developers will fix in the near future.

Bottom line: This is one bloody game!

Peacekeeper Screenshots

Peacekeeper Review Screenshot 1
Peacekeeper Review Screenshot 2

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  • Amazing gameplay
  • Tons of action
  • Bloody game for players that like blood and gore.
  •  No opinion given
  •  Crashes on certain devices
Jul 182013

G.I. JOE: BATTLEGROUND sold by Mobage, Inc. and DeNA Studios Canada Ltd. is a story drive mobile game based on the popular franchise G.I Joe.

Join the team of Joes or Cobra’s army to assemble a fighting force that the world has never seen before. As a Cobra, your very objective is to strike terror into the world, while as a Joe your objective is to stop Cobra and fight for freedom.


 Gameteep 4.5 star rating


App Name: G.I Joe: Battleground
Seller: Mobage, Inc. © 2013 DeNA Studios Canada Ltd.

Release Date:
July 3, 2013Apple iOS
July 3, 2013Android OS

Genre: Battle
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5

Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

G.I Joe: Battleground Gameplay

G.I Joe: Battleground plays very similar to other Mobage titles like Transformers Legends and MARVEL War of Heroes. The gameplay takes a unique route with a clash between card, board, and battles.

In the beginning of the game you will be thrown into a tutorial where you’ll see Miniature Statues of G.I Joes in battle with enemies. You’ll be trained on how to move your statues around the area you are in and engage in battles.


The battles in the game are mostly automated, and represented by miniature statues of your team members. You can select and view your skills and stats but when you enter battle, they will attack on their own.

There are special abilities for each character but being mostly automated you won’t have the luxury of controlling how and which enemy they will attack.


You will have options from a number of characters to be your leader.

For example,

  • Flint – Faireborn, Dashiell R.
  • Scarlett – O’Hara, Shana M.
  • Duke – Hauser, Conrad S.
  • Snake Eyes

Cobra Team

  • Cobra Commander
  • Destro – James McCullen
  • Baroness – Anastasia DeCobray
  • Storm Shadow

Pick whichever squad leader you want and this is a permanent selection in the game.

G.I Joe: Battleground Graphics

The graphics in the game are similar to comic strips of newer comics. Even during battle, you will notice that it’s just a movie of the images in the game. For players that like a comic/cartoon-ish style of graphics will feel right at home.

G.I Joe: Battleground Sounds

There’s the generic soundtrack and sound effects for the game. Nothing outstandingly appealing nor terribly bad about them.

G.I Joe: Battleground Round-up

G.I Joe: Battleground is a great game for G.I Joe fans of the franchise. It brings a lot of familiar characters and faces including biography of each character telling you their importance in the franchise.

Although it’s available for most mobile devices, it appears to be terrible for larger screens because it’s forced into portrait mode and there is no way to play on landscape. This is fine for smaller devices but definitely not optimal for larger screens.

Despite that, if you are a fan of G.I Joe then this is one game you want to collect on your portable device. You’ll have a game with a story to follow and filled with classic G.I Joe characters right in the palm of your hands! Definitely a must have for fans!

Bottom line: Best G.I. Joe game for fans!

G.I Joe: Battleground Screenshots

G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 1
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 2
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 3
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 4
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 5
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 6
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 7
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 8
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 9
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 10
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 11
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 12
G.I Joe Battleground Review Screenshot 13

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  •  Lots of familiar G.I. Characters
  • Battles are simple and easy to understand
  •  No landscape mode