Aug 272016

My Singing Monsters - Wublin Gheegur

My Singing Monsters fans can now enjoy a brand new monster – Wublin monster, that has been added into their game. Each new monster has their own set of songs and personal tunes  which makes the monsters all that collectible and unique compared to any other monster in the game. The Wublin monsters are especially unique due to the fact that it has to be “Waken Up” through a unique process of combining other monsters from various islands to be able to fully active this monster in the game.

Like all Wublin monsters,  to be able to get this monster, you must be in the Wublin Island, head into the shop then you can buy it directly within the shop using Gold. Once you have obtained the monster from the shop, it will be a grey statue, that requires activation to be able to fully unlock the monster into your game.

You can do this by “zapping” the required monsters into the wublin to activate him.

Aug 262016

Marvel Avengers Academy Adds Daredevil Special Event 2

Marvel’s Avengers Academy has updated their mobile game (available for Apple and Android devices) with an all new update that specifically focuses on characters from the Daredevil franchise. In this new limited time event, you will be able to battle one of the most notorious villains  in the Marvel universe, The Kingpin.

The Kingpin has set in motion a scheme to frame no other than Director Nick Fury, and it is up to you along side Daredevil and other Avengers heroes to put a stop to his evil plans! In this even, you will be joined by a  number of heroes and enemies you may be battling against and trying to recruit into your Academy. Find below the list of heroes that you can obtain during this even!

Marvel Avengers Academy Adds Daredevil Special Event 1

  1. Daredevil
  2. Jessica Jones (Premium/Paid)
  3. Luke Cage
  4. Elektra
  5. Iron Fist
  6. Hellcat
  7. Punisher (Possibly Premium)
  8. Kingpin (possibly not recruitable)
Apr 282016
Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 - Civil War Update Revealed!

Marvel Avengers Alliance 2 has released the new Civil War Update to celebrate the release of Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War movie. Find below some of the new features and heroes added into the game during this event. You will have access to two limited edition characters, The Winter Soldier & Falcon. Get them for [Open page……]

Apr 032016

The folks at Telltale Games have released the fifth episode of their epic game, Minecraft Story Mode, dubbed Episode 5: Order Up. Available for Download, Episode 5 is supposedly the last Episode of the game or is it? In the last episode, Episode 4, we defended the world from the Whitherstorm which tried to destroy [Open page……]

Apr 302015
Jurassic World - The Game is now available on Mobile

Ludia is back with a brand new Jurassic Park game and this time it’s based on the upcoming movie, Jurassic World. Available for mobile devices now, you can download and join a brand new world filled with dinosaurs for you to collect. Unfortunately some older devices may not be supported so be sure to check [Open page……]

Apr 302015
MARVEL Future Fight Released for Mobile

Netmarble has finally released their highly anticipated mobile game celebrating the release of the new movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron. Get it in the iTunes link below, here is a little description of what to expect in the game. The Avengers…Spider-Man…the Guardians of the Galaxy! You can unite the greatest heroes from all corners of [Open page……]