Arcane Legends is a free-to-play MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game) with a strong focus on co-operation with other players in order to complete quests and vanquish evil saving the mystical world of Arlor from utter annihilation. This pretty much explains the story in a nut shell and you’ll be advancing the story by completing important quests as well as interacting with characters with some comedic cut scenes littered throughout your adventure.
App Name: Arcane Legends
Seller: Spacetime Studios, LLC
Release Date:
Nov 27, 2012
Nov 27, 2012
MMORPG/Online Multiplayer
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5
Gamer Rating
Arcane Legends Gameplay
Upon first opening the game after downloading it from the Play Store (or Apple App Store) you will be greeted with a download screen to acquire data files necessary to run the game. Don’t worry though, it is not gigs worth and Arcane Legends finishes the data install relatively quickly.
Once completed you get to make the character that you will be using throughout your Arcane Legends career. You can pick from 3 with the being the standard Warrior (Melee), Rogue (Speed and ranged attacks) and Sorcerer (magic). In addition, you can also choose as well as name a pet that will be your companion throughout the game, launching attacks and in general playing a supporting role in the Arcane Legends experience.
Once all of this is done you are presented with a very brief opening scene and launched into the main game with a quick tutorial on the basics of combat and questing.
The primary user interface that you will spend most of your time in Arcane Legends is shown above with touch screens controls that are now the norm when it comes to action, adventure and MMORPGs for Android, iOS, Windows Phone 7/8 etc. On the left side is a cursor that you press & hold while moving it in the desired direction that you want your character to travel. On the right side is a large gold & red button which serves as the action button in Arcane Legends and it is used for everything from attack to talking with characters and activating action points located throughout the world of Arlor.
Combat in Arcane Legends is simple enough, you can press the button on the right to use a simple physical attack or hold it down to launch a powerful version of it. Experience is earned on every kill and you learn more powerful attacks and abilities with every level up. Special attacks can assigned to one of four slots located just above the primary action button. Players have the option of creating parties on the spot if other ones are nearby and this makes questing significantly easier, particularly at the lower levels although by no means are you required to do so and can go it alone. The difficulty is considerably higher though and be prepared to die a lot if you are not careful. Overall, the combat mechanics of Arcane Legends work very well and the response is very good, especially on larger screen devices such as tablets.
In terms of the economy in Arcane Legends everything is handled using two forms of currency, the first is gold, which is earned from chests and completing quests. The second form is platinum, which can only be earned by levelling up your character and purchasing more using real money via a micro-transaction model. This is how many free-to-play games are funded and works well, never hindering you too much (only in terms of time).
The primary methods for obtaining better weapons and equipment in Arcane Legends are either through defeating strong enemies or purchasing packs that contain random items. The more platinum you spend, the higher the chance that you will receive better equipment. This random mechanic will likely serve people that are willing to put in the money; however, it could become frustrating for everyone else since the options are far more limited.
Arcane Legends Graphics
As you can tell based on the screenshots, the graphics in Arcane Legends are very good for a current mobile game and while they are not class leading or cutting edge, overall environments, characters and special effects for character attacks are well done and should immerse you into the world of Arlor for at least a few hours.
Arcane Legends Sounds
The sound of Arcane Legends is ok with the effects of spells & attacks being serviceable enough to try and immerse you into the dungeon crawling experience; however, the voices and effects during cutscenes, which are used to advance the story, are not one of the highpoints of Arcane Legends. They regularly sound muffled and would be difficult to make out if it were not for the captions on screen. Despite this flaw, it does not severely impact on the overall experience and coupled with the solid music make for an atmosphere that is both serious (battle between good & evil), yet littered with moments of fun or light-heartedness to help ease the tension.
Arcane Legends Round-up
Arcane Legends is a very well done MMORPG with above average graphics, easy to use interface and combat system as well as inclusion of a pet to make things interesting. The player must feed him and in general nurture your cute little companion as they grow along with your character vanquishing evil throughout the world of Arlor.
One area of Arcane Legends that does require a significant improvement is the server setup that disconnects the user after small periods of inactivity. This is problematic, because as a mobile game Arcane Legends is likely to be played in many short bursts and while that alone would not be a problem the server automatically sends you back to town once the inactivity period has been reached. This is extremely frustrating if a player is moving through a dungeon or mere steps from completing a quest and takes a break only to be forced back to town and start the dungeon anew. The enemies also respawn so that could be an issue as well, making the game a little more difficult that necessary.
Despite this issue, Arcane Legends is a solid MMORPG experience that should satisfy anyone seeking a good quality mobile RPG experience.
Bottom line: solid MMORPG experience that should satisfy anyone seeking a good quality mobile RPG experience.
Arcane Legends Screenshots
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