Jul 242013

Black Gate: Inferno is a mobile MMORPG game designed for mobile devices.  It is put out by Glu Games and rated 12+ for mild stimulated gambling, infrequent fantasy violence, and mild sexual content. While some may allege that Black Gate: Inferno is similar to Armed Heroes, though some may say Black Gate: Inferno leans more toward a World of Warcraft/Diablo III style game.

However, the unique part of it is that it is an MMORPG designed for mobile devices. While there are some glitches that need to be fixed (we’re sure updates will fix this) Black Gate: Inferno has proven itself to be a popular pick as a mobile MMORPG and has full potential for future versions.

Black Gate Inferno Review Screen

 Gameteep 4.5 star rating

Black Gate Inferno ICON

App Name: Black Gate: Inferno
Seller: Glu Games Inc © 2013 EGLS Ltd.

Release Date:
July 9, 2013Apple iOS

Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5

Platform: Apple iOS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Black Gate: Inferno Gameplay

The gameplay of Black Gate: Inferno is similar to that of many MMORPG platforms. Players begin the game by choosing their hero.

They can pick between:

  • Warrior
  • Archer
  • Wizard
  • Necromancer
  • Assassin
  • Knight

Each class has its own special features and abilities. Once players pick their hero they are ready to begin their adventure in the world of the game. Since Black Gate: Inferno is a MMORPG there are, of course, other real-live players in the game.


Players can connect with their friends and do some of the quests together. Up to four friends can complete quests together. Players can also battle against each other if they do not want to complete quests. Another option of playing the game is to search for various hidden treasures.

There are over 200,000 items to collect throughout the game. There are many monsters throughout the game that players can slay in exchange for experience points. By leveling up, players can customize their heroes based on their certain skills and abilities.

Like many mobile games, Black Gate: Inferno is available as a free download but players can purchase additional items via the in-app purchase function. The controls of the game are easy but sometimes the game can lag which is a huge turn-off.

Black Gate: Inferno Graphics

The graphics in Black Gate: Inferno is pretty impressive for a mobile MMORPG. The maps in the game certainly mimic many of Blizzard’s MMORPGs and are reflective of the graphics in Warcraft III, except they are optimized on a tinier device. The details of the heroes are well-designed and the colors of the game give it the feel of an MMORPG.

Black Gate: Inferno Sounds

There are some really good sound tracks and sound effects in the game. Use your headphones for best performance!

Black Gate: Inferno Round-up

Overall, Black Gate: Inferno is a good game for those who want to play an MMORPG like World of Warcraft but don’t want to pay for a subscription. The game has one of the best graphics that a game has to offer on mobile devices today, they are truly impressive for a game of this size.

Any player looking for an Massive Multiplayer Online RPG will find this as one of their top picks for their mobile devices. There are just so many characters to go through from the list above that it gives the game even more value. You can build your character one way then play with the same character and build it another way – or play an entirely different class all together. This all seems casual on console/computer based games but seeing the level of graphics, gameplay, and value on a mobile device has lifted the bars for MMORPGs on mobile devices.

However, some players are experiencing problems with the stability of the game. Crashes may happen and glitches generally frustrates players as they try to enjoy the game. This is probably because it’s the initial release and bugs/glitches are still being ironed out in updates for different devices.

Despite that, the game is simply amazing and anyone looking for an MMORPG should not miss this title in their library of games. We’re confident that as new update rolls out into the community, most of the problems that players are experiencing will be fixed and will present a more desirable outcome for players having problem.

Bottom line: An amazing MMORPG for mobile devices.

Black Gate: Inferno Screenshots

Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 1
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 2
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 3
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 4
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 5
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 6
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 7
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Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 9
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 10
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 11
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Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 13
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 14
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 15
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 16
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 17
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 18
Black Gate Inferno Screenshot 19

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  • Stunning & beautiful graphics
  • Beautiful animations for characters
  • Tons of character/classes to choose from
  • Good animations for the character skills
  •  Various devices may have various technical problems
  • Game is not complete bug free (v1.0)
  • Crashes (v1.0)
  • Bug/Glitches and other performance issues (v1.0)
  • It’s fixed on one landscape rotation

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  One Response to “Black Gate: Inferno Review”

  1. very nice finally they made an english version on android .. but do you know how to transfer my charater from armed heroes to black gate inferno? let me know pls ..

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