Jun 272012
DragonVale - How to breed Evergreen Dragon

The Evergreen Dragon has been released and DragonVale players are deciding to breed the Firework Dragon or Evergreen Dragon! Well wait no more the Evergreen Dragon breeding guide is here. This guide is to help those looking to breed the Evergreen Dragon in DragonVale.

If you are looking to breed the Evergreen Dragon then know that the Evergreen Dragon is a plant and cold element dragon which means that it is similar to the Lichen Dragon or Reindeer Dragon that was previously released. However, that being said. One of the main difference between the Evergren Dragon and any other cold/plant dragon is that this dragon’s cold elements are not shown through its design. In fact, this Evergreen Dragon looks like he can have a summer day at the park in the Earth or Fire Habitat without a problem. Regardless of his looks, this dragon does possess the elements of Cold and Plant so breeding this hybrid will definitely not be too difficult.

To breed a Evergreen Dragon you need to use its direct elements of Plant and Cold, this means you need to use a Plant Dragon and a Cold Dragon for a chance to breed the evergreen dragon. When using these combinations, know that there is a chance to get a Lichen Dragon in the process and the other dragon would be the Evergreen Dragon. To check if you have a Evergreen Dragon breeding in your game simply check for a 10 Hours breeding time. If you received 10 hours wait for breeding a Cold and Plant Dragon together then it is more than likely you have a evergreen dragon breeding in your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch!

DragonVale - How to breed Evergreen Dragon

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DragonVale Vault: Electric Eel Dragon


Welcome to this very special page about scrapped DragonVale dragon ideas or stats. This page documents and details an important change in one of the most anticipated dragons in DragonVale in early 2012, the Eel Dragon.

It’s not every day that you see such an exclusive article about secret dragons in DragonVale or perhaps dragons that have been altered through progress and approvals at a gaming company. This Electric Eel Dragon actually gone through many changes including name, description, breeding times, and other alternations.

To begin, this Electric Eel Dragon is now dubbed the “Current Dragon” in DragonVale. The Yellow Water Dragon that flies the skies on your Lightning Habitat. This Yellow colored Water Dragon was not always called the “Current Dragon” it is seen today. In fact, it had names from “Eel Dragon” to “Electric Eel Dragon” and so on. They finally settled on “Current Dragon”  for the final release.

Below were the Electric Eel Dragon Description that were still work in progress before the final release. As you can see it has changed a lot compared to the Current Dragon’s description.

” Though eel dragons are known more for making people’s hair stand on end than anything else, it has been said that when no one’s looking these rare dragons have flashy, electrical displays for each other. Maybe if you hide you’ll be able to see the show yourself!   “ DragonVale: Electric Eel Dragon Game Description

Original Name: Electric Eel Dragon

Official Name: Current Dragon

Level requirement: 14
Habitat:  Lightning, Water
Incubation Time: 6 Hours
Buying Price: 250 Gem  
Selling Price: 300.000 Cash 
Experience: 300,000 

On the right was the expected stats for the famous Current Dragon but as we can see there are some change. Perhaps the most notable change is that the Incubation Time (Breeding and hatching time) have been increased by 10 hours in the final Current Dragon version.

You will notice as discussed before that the name has also changed from Electric Eel Dragon to now the official name, Current Dragon.


DragonVale: Evergreen Dragon

DragonVale - Evergreen Dragon baby

Like the forest, the Evergreen Dragon in DragonVale is a brand new plant-type dragon that has players screaming for its nature design. That’s right its close appearance to other plant-type dragon makes this Evergreen dragon one of those “Must-Get” dragons for those that love Mother Nature and feel connected with the soils of the earth. Well not really because the Earth Dragon would be a better representative but Evergreen dragon is in a league of its own.

Players that have seen this Evergreen dragon then you will know that the Evergreen dragon is very similar to other dragons that have been released by Backflip Studio’s famous league of dragons. However, what makes this dragon so unique is it’s coloring which is just absolutely gorgeous and well picked out.

Once the Evergreen Dragon has been released into your DragonVale park we will have exclusive coverage of the Evergreen Dragon for DragonVale so be sure to check back on the Evergreen Dragon on Gameteep! The Expected release date is June 2012!

If you want to breed this Evergreen Dragon and get him into your DragonVale park then know that the Evergreen dragon holds the elements of Plant and Cold. This means that you must have at least these elements within your breeding process to actually have a chance at getting and breeding the Evergreen Dragon. Keep in mind that the Evergreen Dragon has an breeding time of 10 hours which means you can check if you have an Evergreen Dragon breeding in your breeding cave or breeding island by seeing if it’s 10 hours. Once you have confirmed you have an Evergreen Dragon breeding and hatched it into your DragonVale park you can place the Evergreen Dragon into any plant habitat.

For whatever you reason you decide to sell the Evergreen dragon you can sell it for 60,000 coins which will also grant you 500,000 experience from hatching or selling it.

“First found in the forests of Farn, the evergreen dragon is one of the few dragons known to roam in large groups. Coming across them in the wild may be a sight to behold, but beware; evergreen dragons are particularly prickly and properly protective of their progeny.” DragonVale: Evergreen Dragon Game Description

DragonVale - Plant ElementDragonVale - Cold Element

DragonVale - Evergreen Dragon baby

Release Date: June 27th 2012

Level requirement: 9
Habitat:  Plant, Cold
Incubation Time: 10 Hours
Buying Price: 100 Gem  
Selling Price: 600 Cash 
Experience: 5000 

DragonVale: Evergreen Dragon breeding guide:

If you want to breed the Evergreen Dragon, know that the elements to breeding this dragon are Plant and Cold. That means you can use any hybrid or main dragons to breed for a chance to obtain this dragon. The most recommended combination for breeding the Evergreen Dragon are Plant Dragon and Cold Dragon.

Good luck breeding the Evergreen Dragon and keep updated with DragonVale at Gameteep!

DragonVale: Evergreen Dragon earnings

Level 1  7 Level 11 50
Level 2  11 Level 12  54
Level 3  16 Level 13  58
Level 4  20 Level 14  63
Level 5  24 Level 15  67
Level 6  28 Level 16  71
Level 7  33 Level 17  75
Level 8  37 Level 18 80
Level 9  41 Level 19  83
Level 10  45 Level 20 88Cash

DragonVale - How to breed Evergreen Dragon

DragonVale: Firework Dragon

DragonVale Firework Dragon Baby

The Firework Dragon is a dragon in DragonVale that was released by Backflip Studios in June 27 2012.  This Firework Dragon is truly one of a kind and is definitely the type of dragon that is sought after by true DragonVale players. This is perhaps its design is by far one of the most unique and is loved by players around the world.

When you see the Firework Dragon, don’t be fooled by its appearance. This Firework Dragon is one amazing beast and when it grows up it looks even better! Backflip Studios continues to amaze players and do an amazing job at creating dragons like the Firework Dragon. First it was the Solstice Dragon and now the new Firework Dragon is definitely worth the breeding time for DragonVale players.

If you want to breed the Firework Dragon for your DragonVale park then welcome to Gameteep! The Firework Dragon is a very unique dragon that holds the elements of Fire and Air.  This means that you are required to have these elements within your game’s breeding process which will give you a chance at obtaining the Firework Dragon. The dragon takes 6 Hours to breed.

Once you have bred and hatched the Firework dragon you can place this dragon into any Fire Habitat and Air Habitat. Doing so will give you 12500 experience, however if you choose to sell it you can also gain 750,000 Gold.

If you have problems breeding the Firework Dragon please comment below and share your breeding situation or solution.

” Originating in the Far East, extravagant displays of Firework are now used to celebrate many special occasions throughout the land. The ones within this cauldron are renowned for exploding in colorful displays high up in the air. The wizards are doubling their efforts, toiling and troubling over how to get them to work.   ” DragonVale: Firework Dragon Game Description

 DragonVale - Fire Element

DragonVale Firework Dragon Baby

Release Date: June 27 2012

Level requirement: 14
Habitat: Air, Fire
Incubation Time: 6 Hours
Buying Price: 704 Gem  
Selling Price: 750,000 Cash 
Experience: 12.500 

Special Event: Independence Day

DragonVale: Firework Dragon breeding guide:

If you want to breed the Firework Dragon, know that the elements to breeding this dragon are Fire and Air. That means you can use any hybrid or main dragons to breed for a chance to obtain this dragon. The most recommended combination for breeding the Firework Dragon are Air Dragon and Fire Dragon.

Good luck breeding the Firework Dragon and keep updated with DragonVale at Gameteep!

DragonVale: Firework Dragon earnings

Level 1  6 Level 11 44
Level 2  10 Level 12  48
Level 3  14 Level 13  52
Level 4  18 Level 14  56
Level 5  22 Level 15  59
Level 6  25 Level 16  63
Level 7  29 Level 17  67
Level 8  33 Level 18 71
Level 9  37 Level 19  75
Level 10  41 Level 20 79Cash

DragonVale - How to breed Firework Dragon

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Jun 132012
DragonVale - Solstice Dragon

If you haven’t already seen the Solstice Dragon on our DragonVale: Solstice Dragon page then you should definitely check it out. If you haven’t heard about the brand new Solstice Dragon then let us tell you that the Solstice Dragon is a two-headed sun dragon creature that looks very similar to the burning sun.

This Solstice Dragon was released on June 13th 2012 by Backflip Studios as part of their Solstice event along with the Sun Stones decoration which was released on June 12th 2012. This is also their second “Special Event” dragon where they have already released the “Pearl Dragon” for the month of June.

This Solstice Dragon is an amazing new addition to the team and definitely should not be missed by DragonVale players. This dragon with his two-heads blows two different type of fire that looks a firestorm tornado in your park and is just simply amazing. If you look closely at the heads of the dragon you will notice that one is female and the other is male giving the solstice one of the most unique designs in the history of DragonVale.

If you want to know more about the Solstice Dragon then let us tell you that the Solstice Dragon is a 23:29 hours breeding time dragon. This means that if you are wanting to know if you have a solstice dragon breeding in your DragonVale park then you need to check if you have a 23:29hours breeding time. If you do then chances are you have a solstice dragon breeding in your DragonVale park. Confirmed combinations are mud and blazing dragons.

–> Go to Solstice Dragon page

–> Sun Stones Decoration

DragonVale - Solstice Dragon Baby Adult Forms

DragonVale - Solstice Dragon


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  • how do you breed the solstice dragon in dragonvale
  • dragonvale breed solstice dragon
  • breeding solstice dragonvale
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DragonVale: Solstice Dragon

DragonVale Soistice Dragon Market

The Solstice Dragon in DragonVale is part of the Solstice event for DragonVale, it was first released on June 13th 2012 to DragonVale players around the world. The Solstice Dragon features a two-headed Sun Dragon that looks very similar to the original Sun Dragon except it features a female  and male head with different designs.

This Solstice Dragon as seen from pictures borrows similar wings from the original dragon but instead this Solstice Dragon does not have legs. The dragon also is fixed to only be able to go onto your sun habitat, that means that it cannot be placed on any other habitat. This Solstice Dragon is definitely one of the most fierce designs since the release of the powerful Sun Dragon.

If you don’t see the Solstice Dragon in your market, it is because the Solstice Dragon can only be accessed when you are levels 14 or higher. Once you see the Solstice Dragon you will notice that the dragon costs 2250 Gem and takes 23.5 hours to breed and hatch. If you are breeding a dragon and see this 23.5 hours then chances are you have a Solstice Dragon breeding in your DragonVale park!

” Twice each year, near the longest and shortest days of the year, the Solstice Dragons come out of hiding. Their arrival – along with lighting of the Sun Stones of Surya – signals the beginning of grand festivals throughout much of the land. Because it has two heads, one favoring summer, the other winter, the Solstice Dragon is nearly always of two minds on any issue. Despite this conflict, most dragon experts take solace in the idea that two heads are better than one..” Solstice Dragon Game Description

 DragonVale Soistice Dragon Market

Level requirement: 14
Habitat:  Sun Habitat
Incubation Time: 23.5 Hours
Buying Price: 2250 Gem  
Selling Price: 2,000,000 Cash 
Experience: 100000  

DragonVale: Solstice Dragon breeding guide:

You can breed the Solstice Dragon using a mud dragon and a blazing dragon. However, chances of getting this dragon is also rare so you must try until you have successfully bred a 23.5 hours breeding time. The left or right of the mud dragon and the blazing dragon does not matter, nor does the level. Good luck with breeding the Solstice Dragon and remember to follow us. Other recommended combinations include Earth Dragon and Blazing Dragon or Dodo Dragon and Blazing Dragon.

DragonVale: Solstice Dragon earnings

Level 1 48Cash
Level 10 316Cash
DragonVale: Solstice Dragon Pictures & Evolutions
DragonVale - Solstice Dragon Baby Adult Forms



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