Fish with Attitude: Vampire Fish

Fish with Attitude Vampire Fish Baby

The Vampire fish in Fish with Attitude is an ultra rare fish that was released on June 8th 2012 along with their line of new “Magical” trait fishes. The Vampire Fish is a blood sucking fish that you probably won’t want to get too close to. The Vampire Fish has a purple color design with many sharp teeth to help make holes in any flesh it might come by.

“It vants your blood! Dark and mysterious, this fish loves candlelight, brooding, and love triangles. Can’t stand werewolves, though. I wonder why…” - Fish with Attitude: Vampire Fish Description

Fish with Attitude - Magical Trait

Fish with Attitude Vampire Fish Baby

Release Date: June 8th 2012

Breeding Time: 36 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 36 Hours
Buying Price: 1985pearl
Selling Price: 8050Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Magical
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Vampire Fish Breeding guide

The Vampire fish is an ultra rare fish. It’s breeding process is contributed by Noah, the recommended combination for breeding the Vampire Fish in Fish with Attitude is Pirate fish and Astronaut fish.

Fish with Attitude: Vampire Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Vampire Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will rise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 8/Minute  52K
Level 2  9/Minute 67K
Level 3  10/Minute  82K
 Level 4  11/Minute

Fish with Attitude: Vampire Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Vampire Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Vampire Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • fish with attitude vampire fish

Fish with Attitude: Werewolf Fish

Fish with Attitude Werewolf Fish Baby

The Werewolf fish in Little aquarium is an ultra rare fish that was released on June 8th 2012 along with their line of new “Magical” trait fishes. The Werewolf Fish is definitely one of the fishes you don’t normally see in Fish with Attitude and it’s beautiful light-hearted designs but the werewolf fish is definitely the most unique!

“AwooOOOooo! This fella loves flannel, full moons, and pretty – but clumsy – girls. Absolutely hates vampires for some reason, though. Especially if they’re shirtless.” - Fish with Attitude: Werewolf Fish Description

Fish with Attitude - Magical Trait


Fish with Attitude Werewolf Fish Baby

Release Date: June 8th 2012

Breeding Time: 20 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 20 Hours
Buying Price: 1217pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Magical
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Werewolf Fish Breeding guide

The Werewolf fish is an ultra rare fish. Players have reported that breeding Astronaut with Model fish will give you a chance at breeding the Werewolf Fish in Fish with Attitude.

Fish with Attitude: Werewolf Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Werewolf Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will rise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2
Level 3

Fish with Attitude: Werewolf Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Werewolf Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Werewolf Fish Adult

This page is about...

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Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish

Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Baby

The Fairy fish in Little aquarium is an ultra rare fish that was released on June 8th 2012 along with their line of new “Magical” trait fishes. The Fairy Fish is definitely one of a kind and has magical powers of any fairy you may have heard about. Just looking at this fairy fish will make you wonder how beautiful she is and how much magic it may possess.

“Hopes, dreams, and happiness follow in this fabled fish’s wake. Watch your tank fill with joy – and sparkles! – after a wave of its wand and a pinch of fairy dust!” - Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Description

Fish with Attitude - Magical Trait

Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Baby

Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Adult

Release Date: June 8th 2012

Breeding Time: 20 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 20 Hours
Buying Price: 1217pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Magical
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Breeding guide

The Fairy fish is an ultra rare fish. It’s breeding process is currently unknown.

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once. Players have reported that breeding Astronaut with Model fish will give you a chance at breeding the Fairy Fish in Fish with Attitude.

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will rise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2
Level 3

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Adult

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Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish

Fish with Attitude Unicorn Fish Baby

The Unicorn fish in Little aquarium is an ultra rare fish that was released on June 8th 2012 by the game creators. The Unicorn fish has a magical status and cost 1217 pearls for purchase. As you can tell from it’s horn that this unicorn fish is one of the most amazing fish to have and it is like all magical fish, difficult to breed as well.

“Majestic beauties of the deep, unicorn seahorses are magical and mysterious addition to any tank. They love a frolic in the sunlight and rainbows follow in their wake.” - Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Description

Fish with Attitude - Magical Trait

Fish with Attitude Unicorn Fish Adult

Release Date: June 8th 2012

Breeding Time: ?

Egg Hatch Time: ?
Buying Price: 1217pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Magical
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Breeding guide

The Unicorn fish is an ultra rare fish. It’s breeding process is contributed by Noah, it is suggested that you use the Designer Fish and the Model Fish for a chance to get the Unicorn fish.

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will rise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2
Level 3

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Unicorn Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Unicorn Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • fish attitude breeding unicorn
  • unicorn fish in fish with attitude

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish

Fish with Attitude Designer Fish Baby

If you love designs then you should definitely look for this Fish with Attitude fish because that’s all it does. Design! It is one of the most creative fish and artistic fish in the entire lot. Filled with imaginations and a design sense that anyone would love. Would this designer fish be designing the next iPhone 5 or iPod Touch 5? Who knows that’s a possibility but one thing is for sure. This fish is a design fish and definitely wanted by all designers.

“Have you seen the latest styles? Aren’t they beautiful? Well, there’s a good chance they were made by the nimble fins of this very fish. Its designs are the height of fishion!” - Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Description


Little aquarium creative traitLittle aquarium smart-traitFish with Attitude Shy Trait
Fish with Attitude Designer Fish Adult

Release Date: Original

Breeding Time: 14 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 14 Hours
Buying Price: 709pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Creative, Shy, Smart
Level Requirement: 13

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Breeding guide

The Designer fish is three trait fish that requires three specific traits to be bred in your Fish with Attitude game. The traits for this fish is a Smart TraitCreative Trait and a Shy Trait. This means you need any fish with the Smart TraitCreative Trait and a Shy Trait to be successful at breeding the Designer Fish.

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Next Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2 7/Minute
Level 3 8/Minute

Fish with Attitude: Rock Star  Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Designer Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Designer Fish Adult

This page is about...

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  • fish with attitude designer fish
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  • how to get the designer fish on fish with attitude

Fish with Attitude: Cowboy Fish

Fish with Attitude Cowboy Fish Baby

The Cowboy fish in little aquarium is a wild west fish where he is born with an cowboy design that makes him ultra cool if you love the wild wild west! The cowboy fish also has exceptionally high earning rates and has a unique set of traits. The traits to obtaining the cowboy fish are brave, smart, and creative so find fishes in your tank that will add up to these three traits for a chance to get the cowboy fish breeding!

“Yeehaw! Ride those seahorses! This rough n’ tumble fish will wrangle a tankful of fun. Just don’t let them ride off into the sunset. Yahoo!” - Fish with Attitude: Cowboy Fish Description


Little aquarium creative traitLittle aquarium smart-traitFish with Attitude Brave Fish trait
Fish with Attitude Cowboy Fish Baby

Release Date: Original

Breeding Time: 15 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 15 Hours
Buying Price: 709pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Creative, Brave, Smart
Level Requirement: 13

Fish with Attitude: Cowboy Fish Breeding guide

The Cowboy fish is three trait fish that requires three specific traits to be bred in your Fish with Attitude game. The traits for this fish is a Smart TraitCreative Trait and a Brave Trait. This means you need any fish with the Smart TraitCreative Trait and a Brave Trait to be successful at breeding the Cowboy Fish.

You can use a Cool Fish and a Creative Fish to breed a Cowboy Fish.

Fish with Attitude: Cowboy Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Cowboy Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Next Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2 7/Minute
Level 3 8/Minute

Fish with Attitude: Rock Star  Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Cowboy Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Cowboy Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • how to breed cowboy fish
  • how to breed cowboy fish on fish with attitude
  • how to get cowboy fish oin fish with attitude
  • what is the breeding time for a cowboy fishing