Jun 292012
Tiny Monsters Sunstone Monster Baby

The Light and Dark is back! Or perhaps it is the Light and Shadow Monsters are back in Tiny Monsters with an all new pair that will make you choose between light and darkness. Well not really darkness but the “Shadow” element.

Tiny Monsters has just released the Sunstone Monster and Brimstone Monster on June 28 2012 to their new line of “Light” and “Shadow” elements in game players Tiny Monsters mountaintop. These two monsters marks the beginning of breed-enabled Light and Dark elements and that the game developers have plans on mixing the special Light and Shadow elements with other elements to create brand new Light and Shadow Hybrids in Tiny Monsters.

Players of Tiny Monsters can only imagine what special monsters might have in store for us and will definitely spark the growth of Tiny Monsters gameplay. What do you think should be in mixed with the Light and Shadow elements and what type of monsters can you think of? Let us know in the comments or in the forums.

Tiny Monsters Sunstone Monster Baby

Tiny Monsters: Sunstone Monster

This baby Sunstone Monster is no normal monster, it is one of the very first light-hybrid Monsters to ever be released in Tiny Monsters on June 28th 2012. Many players were expecting that this could not be possible but it in fact is indeed possible.

If you haven’t seen he Sunstone Monster in Tiny Monsters then know that it is actually a Light and Earth hybrid monster. This hybrid Sunstone Monster is actually a bear that is imbued with the elements of Light and Earth giving him a total unique look to Tiny Monsters players. If you want to know more about the Sunstone Monster you should definitely check it out here.

Tiny Monsters: Brimstone Monster

Tiny Monsters Brimstone Monster Baby

The second monster to be introduced on June 28 2012 is the Brimstone Monster which is another monster released that is part of their Shadow/Light Monster hybrid event. The Brimstone Monster features a much darker approach to the design and will definitely satisfy those that love cool dark-type monsters.

The Brimstone Monster in Tiny Monster features a dark-blue pebble like color with teal coloring on his horns and bone structure. His elements are “Shadow” and “Earth” which truly is represented by his design. This Brimstone Monster also has no eye-balls and looks as if he was imbued with powers of the shadow in the dark.

If you want to know what type of monster this is then know that this is closely matching to a gargoyle. This however doesn’t mean he’s going to be stuck as a statue on the roof of your mountaintop but yet will be walking on your Shadow or Earth habitat. You can learn more about the Brimstone Monster here.

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  • light tiny monster

Tiny Monsters: Mythic Brimstone Monster

Tiny Monsters Mythic Brimstone Monster Baby

The Brimstone Monster in Tiny Monster is a dark monster but the Mythic Brimstone Monster is definitely back to its roots of being a rock. The Mythic Brimstone Monster is definitely cleaner, rockier, and “Lighter”. It appears that the Mythic Brimstone Monster has gone through a sort of transformation where it was imbued with elements of light of some sort because its Shadow presence is definitely gone.

As you can see the Mythic Brimstone Monster has colors of yellow and grey which makes it a neat monster to have in your Tiny Monsters mountaintop and its definitely not a gloomy monster. Perhaps in their Mythic form the Mythic Brimstone Monster and the Mythic Sunstone Monster switched elements? Check out their design and decide for yourself! Remember to let other players know!

“The Brimstone Monster is known to most explorers as the “Living Statue”. Many have been caught off guard when the inanimate statue they’ve been staring at springs to life. Those who’ve befriended Mythic Brimstone Monsters tend to find them perched outside their tents, silently protecting them from the Umbra Everglade’s dangers.” -Mythic Brimstone Monster Game Description

 Tiny-MonstersShadowTiny Monsters Earth Element

Tiny Monsters Mythic Brimstone Monster Baby

Release Date: June 28, 2012

Breeding Time: 18 Hours

Hatching Time: 18 Hours
Selling Price: 2700 Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Small Shadow Habitat, Earth Habitat
Unlock Level: 26


 Tuck In Time:  10 Hours

 Tuck In Time: 22 Hours


Mythic Brimstone Monster breeding guide

The Mythic Brimstone Monster in Tiny Monster can be bred using the key elements which are Shadow and Earth, this also gives a chance at getting its mythic form in your Tiny Monsters game. If you want to breed the Mythic Brimstone Monster at a better rate then you can use the Brimstone Monster with another Brimstone Monster for a chance to get it’s mythic form.

Mythic Brimstone Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your Mythic Brimstone Monster then be sure to level your Mythic Brimstone Monster to level 5 for a teen Mythic Brimstone Monster then level the Mythic Brimstone Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Mythic Brimstone Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 4Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 6 18
Level 2 9 Level 7  19
Level 3 13 Level 8  22
Level 4 15 Level 9  25
Level 5 16 Level 10  31


Mythic Brimstone Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1 310Tiny Monsters -Food Level 6 1865
Level 2 325 Level 7  2175
Level 3 935 Level 8  2485
Level 4 1245 Level 9  2795
Level 5 1555 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food


Tiny Monsters Mythic Brimstone Monster Evolution Pictures


Tiny Monsters Mythic Brimstone Monster EggTiny Monsters Mythic Brimstone Monster Baby

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  • brimstone monster tiny monster
  • tiny monsters how to get brimstone
  • tiny monsters monsterpedia

Tiny Monsters: Mythic Sunstone Monster

Tiny Monsters Mythic Sunstone Monster Baby

If you thought that the Sunstone Monster was too “Light” for your taste then know that the Mythic Sunstone Monster in Tiny Monsters will probably be more suitable for your design taste.

The Mythic Sunstone Monster is a darker and more royal version of the Sunstone Monster, holding colors of dark red, grey, and brown this Mythic Sunstone Monster looks like the warrior you’ve never seen in it’s adult form. Just check out the image below to see how ultra cool he is with his flying hair in the winds.

“In the shade of Torrid Canyon’s towering cliffs, the Mythic Sunstone Monster can be found lumbering about. Explorers have witnessed these burly creatures boring into the canyon walls, creating  shady places to rest during particularly hot days. This makes one wonder: was it a river that carved the canyon into the land, or the Sunstones?” -Mythic Sunstone Monster Game Description

 Tiny Monster Sunstone elementTiny Monsters Earth Element

Tiny Monsters Mythic Sunstone Monster Baby

Release Date: June 28, 2012

Breeding Time: 11 Hours

Hatching Time: 11 Hours
Selling Price: 1650 Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Small Light Habitat, Earth Habitat
Unlock Level: 32

 Tuck In Time:  6 Hours

 Tuck In Time: 15 Hours


Mythic Sunstone Monster breeding guide

The Mythic Sunstone Monster in Tiny Monster can be bred using the key elements which are Light and Earth this will also give you a chance at obtaining the MYTHIC FORM but it is rare if it happens. If you want to breed the Mythic Sunstone Monster on a better percentage then it is recommended that you use a Sunstone Monster with a Sunstone Monster for a chance to get the Mythic Sunstone Monster.

Mythic Sunstone Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your Mythic Sunstone Monster then be sure to level your Mythic Sunstone Monster to level 5 for a teen Mythic Sunstone Monster then level the Mythic Sunstone Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Mythic Sunstone Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 9Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 6 50
Level 2  17 Level 7  56
Level 3  26 Level 8  61
Level 4  34 Level 9  62
Level 5  43 Level 10  65


Mythic Sunstone Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1 385Tiny Monsters -Food Level 6 2315
Level 2  775 Level 7  2700
Level 3 1160 Level 8  3085
Level 4  1545 Level 9  3470
Level 5  1930 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food


Tiny Monsters Mythic Sunstone Monster Evolution Pictures

Tiny Monsters Sunstone Monster EggTiny Monsters Mythic Sunstone Monster BabyTiny Monsters Mythic Sunstone Monster TeenTiny Monsters Mythic Sunstone Monster Adult


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  • how to breed shadow monster tiny monster
  • mythic sunstone monster

Ice Age Village: How to Add Friends Part 1

Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (1)

One of the most asked questions for Ice Age Village is perhaps How to Add Friends in your game. This is no difficult task but it appears that the creators have increased the steps for adding your friends through Gameloft Live. By following our Gameteep guide to adding friends in Ice Age Village you will soon find that it’s actually not difficult of a task yet just surprisingly hidden in the menus of Ice Age Village. Keep in mind this Adding friends steps is separated into two pages. Once you have selected Gameloft Live you need to check out part 2 to learn how to add friends in Gameloft Life.

Step 1

Open up your menu on the right then Tap OPTIONS

Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (1)

Step 2

In the Options Menu of your Ice Age Village game Tap SETTINGS


From the Settings menu in your OPTIONS menu in Ice Age Village game tap CONNECT

Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (3)

Step 4

Once you have tapped connect in OPTIONS -> SETTINGS -> CONNECT. You will see two ways to add friends, either through Facebook or Gameloft Live. If you don’t want your friends to be following you then select Gameloft loft and pick up some IDs and add them.Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (4)



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Ice Age Village: How to Add Friends Part 2

Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (5)

Continuing our adventure in Adding Friends for Ice Age Village, we have just completed the part 1 guide on how to actually locate the friend adding tool in your Ice Age Village menus.

Step 5

When you reach the Gameloft Live network enter to create a new account or your current account and login. Once you have logged in you can access multiple menus at the bottom including your games, messages, home and friends.

This system is very similar to the Game Center system for Apple’s Devices but with a different design. Head on over to the Friends section and tap the + sign at the top right then search for your friends.

Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (5)

Step 6

After you have completed searching for your friends select to “Add as friend”, this will send them an request and when they accept, they will be added into your Ice Age Village game as friends and you can visit their Village. You must do this for each friend to have them in your Ice Age Village game!

Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (7)

Ice Age Village - How to Add Friends (6)

Jun 282012
DragonVale - How to breed Firework Dragon

The Firework Dragon is now here for Independence Day! This one of a kind dragon is probably one of the most colorful dragons since the Bloom Dragon and is definitely a dragon you want in your DragonVale park!  This Firework Dragon is perhaps one of the most animated dragons yet from it’s spinning tail to the way it moves. The coloring on this Firework Dragon is also one of a kind and is definitely sought after by the best of DragonVale players.

When you first see this dragon in the DragonVale market you will notice how colorful it really is and it is definitely hard to explain in words! This joyful dragon will have you wanting to breed it immediately and it doesn’t seem like a hard dragon at all! This Firework Dragon is only a two element hybrid which you can use the main element dragons directly to breed the Firework Dragon.

To breed the firework dragon you need to use a Air Dragon and a Fire Dragon in your breeding cave or breeding island. This is because as you can see from the images below or in your DragonVale market that the Firework Dragon has elements of Air and Fire. When you breed these elements together, you have a chance of breeding the Blazing dragon or this epic Firework Dragon for your DragonVale park.

If you want to know if you have a Firework Dragon breeding in your DragonVale park, simply check for a 6 hours breeding time. If you have a 6 hours breeding time then it’s more than likely a Firework Dragon in your breeding island or breeding cave. If you so happen to have gotten a 8 hours breeding time then it is probably a blazing dragon. Once you have bred the Firework Dragon you will notice that it’s egg is colored in White, Blue, and Red with stars and strips all over it like a special country and a special day that’s coming up very soon. Once you hatch the Firework Dragon egg you can place the dragon into any air or fire habitat.

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DragonVale - How to breed Firework Dragon

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  • how to breed firework dragon dragonvale