Jun 272012
DragonVale - How to breed Evergreen Dragon

The Evergreen Dragon has been released and DragonVale players are deciding to breed the Firework Dragon or Evergreen Dragon! Well wait no more the Evergreen Dragon breeding guide is here. This guide is to help those looking to breed the Evergreen Dragon in DragonVale.

If you are looking to breed the Evergreen Dragon then know that the Evergreen Dragon is a plant and cold element dragon which means that it is similar to the Lichen Dragon or Reindeer Dragon that was previously released. However, that being said. One of the main difference between the Evergren Dragon and any other cold/plant dragon is that this dragon’s cold elements are not shown through its design. In fact, this Evergreen Dragon looks like he can have a summer day at the park in the Earth or Fire Habitat without a problem. Regardless of his looks, this dragon does possess the elements of Cold and Plant so breeding this hybrid will definitely not be too difficult.

To breed a Evergreen Dragon you need to use its direct elements of Plant and Cold, this means you need to use a Plant Dragon and a Cold Dragon for a chance to breed the evergreen dragon. When using these combinations, know that there is a chance to get a Lichen Dragon in the process and the other dragon would be the Evergreen Dragon. To check if you have a Evergreen Dragon breeding in your game simply check for a 10 Hours breeding time. If you received 10 hours wait for breeding a Cold and Plant Dragon together then it is more than likely you have a evergreen dragon breeding in your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch!

DragonVale - How to breed Evergreen Dragon

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  • how to breed evergreen dragon
  • dragonvale breeding evergreen
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  • how to breed a evergreen
  • how to solve stage 42 in dooors
Jun 242012
Tiny Monsters - Light Monster Evolution

Have you been wondering how to breed this legendary Light Monster for your Tiny Monsters game? Well the secrets to breeding the Light Monsters in your Tiny Monsters mountaintop is out! Some players may feel that its a difficult breed but you need to understand that the Light Monster is one of those incredible monsters with their own element, much like the Shadow Monster.

The new element that the Light Monster carries is the element of “Light” into your Tiny Monsters game. Many players will think that with an introduction of a new element, there will be an number of new monsters but know that you cannot breed the Light Monster with any other monster just yet. We know, you want to see cool new light-type monsters that that looks awesome but there hasn’t been news on if that will happen.

If you want to know how to breed the light monster then know that the light monster in Tiny Monster requires you to have two different hybrid elements for a chance to get the Light Monster, much like the Legendary Monster. That means you will have a chance at getting the Light Monster when using any two different hybrid elements. The breeding time should be 5 hours and it should cost 6 Diamonds for breeding and have the same time for hatching. Once you have bred and hatched the Light Monster, it can go into the small light habitat.


Tiny Monsters - Light Monster Evolution

Tiny Monsters: Light Monster Breeding Video

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Dooors: Stage 50

Dooors Stage 50

Dooors: Stage 50 is the final floor as of June 15th 2012, more levels may be added later. In stage 50 of Dooors you will notice that there are dozen or more small circles to the left and right side of the door. When you slide the circle the circle will light up in green and you can even slide your fingers through all the circle and highlight them all at the same time.

To beat Dooors: Stage 50 you need to “Turn on” exactly 50 dots, no more and no less. Once you are able to slide through all the dots and get 50 you can unlock the door on stage 50 and solve the puzzle for Dooors. To help you with the process we have created a diagram. You just need to highlight all the dots on one side then highlight 4 rows on the other side. Remember it is rows and not columns. Congratulations you have beaten Dooors the escape game up to level 50!

Dooors Stage 50

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Dooors: Stage 49

Dooors Stage 49

Stage 49 in Dooors is quite a fun stage with all the smiley faces and what a happy settle it makes! Well Perhaps only one of them is smiling but that’s all that matters :)

When you first see the stage you will be blocked by two gates on the left and right. Once you remove these gate you will see 8 circles again (big medium ones). These circles have a portion that is colored in red where it looks like you are to follow those smiley faces and align them correctly to solve the puzzle on stage 49.

Begin the stage by selecting your fired up match sticks then burning the rope that holds the gate together at the bottom. Once you do this you will be able to free yourself from the gates and reveal the fun portion of this stage in Dooors. To make it easy and get to the point on the solution, you need to align the red circles with the looks of the smiley faces on top of the door. Tap the red circle until it looks like the diagram we have created below and you will be on your way to Dooors: Stage 50!

Dooors Stage 49

Dooors: Stage 48

Dooors Stage 48

Stage 48 is a stage with a series of steps to complete. There is also a motion sensor portion that requires you to use your device’s motion sensors to be able to open the door. You will also use many tools found in your inventory to be able to tackle this strategic stage.

When you begin the floor 48 in your Dooors game you will see a dark grey weight on the ground to the bottom left. You will also see a pool of water in the middle and some chains on the top left and top right. Beside the top left and right of the door is so small symbols that is basically the solution to your problem!

Begin floor 48 in Dooors by picking up the weight on the bottom left then select that in your inventory and hang it on the right side. Once you have done that, select the orange bucket in your inventory then place it into the pool to pick up water. Once you have filled that up with water, hang it on the top left to balance out the two chains.

Once you have done that it’s time to take the motion sensor portion and put it into play. Lift up your device then flip it forward towards you so it seems like the door will fall out of where it is being held. Once you do this the door should fall out from floor 48 in your dooors game. Now this allows you to go through and move forward into Dooors: Stage 49.

Dooors Stage 48

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Dooors: Stage 47

Dooors Stage 47

In Dooors: Stage 47 is a very very unique stage that you’ve never seen before. This stage is actually about an creature like door that opens his mouth when it falls asleep but know, that won’t be easy. You need to be super  quiet and allow him to open his mouth then you can tap your way through.

When you first begin floor 47 in Dooors you will notice there is a gate blocking you way. You may also notice that the door is opening or perhaps there are two sets of eyes watching you? Well regardless what you think the creatures mouth is the door and you task is to go through the door. However, do keep in mind that his mouth has red strips and the gate has black strips.

Begin the stage by dragging the gate to your left and moving it out of the way. Once you do that the creature will immediately wake up from his sleep closing the door on you. What you need to do now is be very quiet and wait till he falls asleep again, once he does then tap through into his mouth and be eaten and you will be on you way to Dooors: Stage 48! How nice is that?

Dooors Stage 47