Aug 282012

Gameloft games are known for quality and Cosmic Colony is no different. Cosmic Colony is an amazingly designed game that packs many features that any builder game should have and more.

Cosmic Colony allows players to build their very own space colony on their portable device. If some players have been holding back on building games because villages and farms aren’t their interest then Cosmic Colony is definitely the game for you. In cosmic colony, you won’t be building farms but rockets, mineral mines, advanced buildings, and more.

Cosmic Colony Screenshot 1

Gameteep 4.5 star rating

Cosmic Colony icon

App Name: Cosmic Colony
Seller: Gameloft

Release Date: Aug. 23, 2012

Genre: Builder
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5


iOS: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad.Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

Rated Version

iOS: 1.0.1
Android: Varies with device

Rated Device
iOS: The new iPad
Android: Google Nexus 7

App Download

iOS: iTunes

Android: Play Store


Cosmic Colony Gameplay

The gameplay for Cosmic Colony mimics their popular Ice Age Village game but on a planet that you have crash landed and began colonizing.

You will get a number of buildings and decorations to decorate and build your very own colony using extremely advanced technology. When we say buildings, veteran players may think there’s probably one building section with different buildings but not in Cosmic Colony. Buildings in the game are separated into Residential, Business, and Factory.

Residential – These buildings are for your people and are basically like houses allowing you to increase happiness or popularity with the green happy faces.

Business – These are buildings that allows you to collect coins

Factory – These buildings allow you to collect precise minerals

The gameplay experience in Cosmic Colony is slightly different because there is the added Energy bar which uses a certain amount for everything you do. We’re not sure if veteran players will find that limiting or an added challenge. There is also an happiness meter which essential rates the happiness of your people. Other than that the usual coins/premium currency and experience bars are in place.

In addition to building your colony, there are also mini-games like pirate attacks, mining other planets and so forth. There are simply a lot to explore in Cosmic Colony and if you love Sci-Fi action then this definitely one game you don’t want to miss.

Cosmic Colony Graphics

The graphics are extremely well developed. They are crisp, colorful and looks extremely good on The new iPad.

You might not get an up close view of the people in full animation but there are definitely static artworks. The best thing about Cosmic Colony in terms of graphics isn’t in the people yet in the buildings.

The buildings in Cosmic Colony are simply amazing. It’s hard for people to argue that it isn’t because the amount of details placed into designing the building are seen in each building. Just check out the screenshots below.

Cosmic Colony Sounds

The sounds in Cosmic Colony can only be described with one word, “Cosmic”. The theme music does sound adventurous and epic. The sound effects are also in place so when you do something you know there’s a reaction.

There are however, no voice acting but we’d come to expect that from an app in the app store.

Cosmic Colony Round-up

We wouldn’t expect anything less from Gameloft because they have made tons of top of the line games for mobile devices, and Cosmic Colony is another great addition to their line of games.

Cosmic Colony will definitely satisfy those that want to build advanced buildings and rocket ships to satisfy their Sci-Fi adventures. With over 50 buildings/decorations to build unlock and decorate your very own colony its quite temping to build the best colony ever.

Perhaps the greatest thing about Cosmic Colony is that its designed so well, if you played Ice Age Village then Cosmic Colony is definitely a must have game. It’s very very similar to Ice Age Village but in space.

Bottom line: Another well developed and designed builder game for mobile players, but in space!


Cosmic Colony Screenshot 2Cosmic Colony Screenshot 3Cosmic Colony Screenshot 4Cosmic Colony Screenshot 5Cosmic Colony Screenshot 6Cosmic Colony Screenshot 7Cosmic Colony Screenshot 8Cosmic Colony Screenshot 9Cosmic Colony Screenshot 10


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