Dooors: Stage 47
In Dooors: Stage 47 is a very very unique stage that you’ve never seen before. This stage is actually about an creature like door that opens his mouth when it falls asleep but know, that won’t be easy. You need to be super quiet and allow him to open his mouth then you can tap your way through.
When you first begin floor 47 in Dooors you will notice there is a gate blocking you way. You may also notice that the door is opening or perhaps there are two sets of eyes watching you? Well regardless what you think the creatures mouth is the door and you task is to go through the door. However, do keep in mind that his mouth has red strips and the gate has black strips.
Begin the stage by dragging the gate to your left and moving it out of the way. Once you do that the creature will immediately wake up from his sleep closing the door on you. What you need to do now is be very quiet and wait till he falls asleep again, once he does then tap through into his mouth and be eaten and you will be on you way to Dooors: Stage 48! How nice is that?