Dooors: Stage 48


Stage 48 is a stage with a series of steps to complete. There is also a motion sensor portion that requires you to use your device’s motion sensors to be able to open the door. You will also use many tools found in your inventory to be able to tackle this strategic stage.

When you begin the floor 48 in your Dooors game you will see a dark grey weight on the ground to the bottom left. You will also see a pool of water in the middle and some chains on the top left and top right. Beside the top left and right of the door is so small symbols that is basically the solution to your problem!

Begin floor 48 in Dooors by picking up the weight on the bottom left then select that in your inventory and hang it on the right side. Once you have done that, select the orange bucket in your inventory then place it into the pool to pick up water. Once you have filled that up with water, hang it on the top left to balance out the two chains.

Once you have done that it’s time to take the motion sensor portion and put it into play. Lift up your device then flip it forward towards you so it seems like the door will fall out of where it is being held. Once you do this the door should fall out from floor 48 in your dooors game. Now this allows you to go through and move forward into Dooors: Stage 49.

Dooors Stage 48