Dooors: Stage 49


Stage 49 in Dooors is quite a fun stage with all the smiley faces and what a happy settle it makes! Well Perhaps only one of them is smiling but that’s all that matters :)

When you first see the stage you will be blocked by two gates on the left and right. Once you remove these gate you will see 8 circles again (big medium ones). These circles have a portion that is colored in red where it looks like you are to follow those smiley faces and align them correctly to solve the puzzle on stage 49.

Begin the stage by selecting your fired up match sticks then burning the rope that holds the gate together at the bottom. Once you do this you will be able to free yourself from the gates and reveal the fun portion of this stage in Dooors. To make it easy and get to the point on the solution, you need to align the red circles with the looks of the smiley faces on top of the door. Tap the red circle until it looks like the diagram we have created below and you will be on your way to Dooors: Stage 50!

Dooors Stage 49