Dooors: Stage 50
Dooors: Stage 50 is the final floor as of June 15th 2012, more levels may be added later. In stage 50 of Dooors you will notice that there are dozen or more small circles to the left and right side of the door. When you slide the circle the circle will light up in green and you can even slide your fingers through all the circle and highlight them all at the same time.
To beat Dooors: Stage 50 you need to “Turn on” exactly 50 dots, no more and no less. Once you are able to slide through all the dots and get 50 you can unlock the door on stage 50 and solve the puzzle for Dooors. To help you with the process we have created a diagram. You just need to highlight all the dots on one side then highlight 4 rows on the other side. Remember it is rows and not columns. Congratulations you have beaten Dooors the escape game up to level 50!