Breaktime Studios just updated Dragon Skies for mobile players! This new update gives players quite a new experience because there’s so much added into the update like better animations, the coliseum and more.
One of the biggest addition to this new update is the Coliseum. The Coliseum is now open and allows players to play what appears to be a new racing mini-game. Don’t get excited just yet, the coliseum is locked to level 10 dragons, which means it’ll probably take a while before you can get a dragon into the coliseum.
The best part to this update is that there is an entirely new set of animation in your village that makes all the dragons more lively because they can now fly! And have dragon breath. The flying animations have also been improved.
Last thing about the update that is straight from the developers is that there is more dragons and breeding combinations to getting certain dragons for your village.
What’s New in Version 1.04
* The Coliseum is open for business! Try out the pro racing circuits!
* Even more cute dragons and dragon breeding combinations!
* New awesome animations
* Tons of bug fixes!