Nov 292012

Dragon Story has just released another Diamond hybrid for players to breed! The Anubis Dragon is the latest addition to the Dragon Story team of dragons. And what makes this dragon special is that it’s a diamond-hybrid!

Dragon Story Anubis Dragon Epic icon

The dragon resembles to a mummy but it’s not the normal bandage mummy you’d see in movies! It’s coloring is different too because it’s purple! The Anubis dragon is covered in purple skin but his wings are blue and teal which gives him a very unique look because it looks like the wings are attached to him mechanically. That being said, what do we know none of us have ever seen one in real life!

How to breed Anubis Dragon (Learn more)

Dragon Story Anubis Dragon Baby

Breeding the Anubis Dragon won’t be easy. It requires one of the rarest dragons in Dragon Story, the Diamond Dragon. We’re just going to tell you the short version to breeding the diamond dragon here. If you want to get the diamond dragon, it’s completely random as long as you have four different elements in the breeding mix (i.e. Red, Blue, Yellow, Green)

Once you have the Diamond dragon you can start breeding the Anubis Dragon. To breed for the dragon you need to use a Diamond Dragon and a Magic Dragon for a chance to get the Anubis Dragon. The breeding time is 40 hours and it is an Ultra Rare dragon in your game.

Upon hatching the dragon you can place him into any Purple or Diamond habitat.

Please keep in mind that it doesn’t matter which side you select your dragons for breeding. The level of your dragon also does not matter. It is about luck and is up to your game to give you this dragon.

Learn more about the Anubis Dragon here!

This page is about...

  • how to breed the anubis
  • anubis dragon in dragon story
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