Mar 232013

A number of things are happening in Dragon Story this week and one of the most notable things it that the Snowman Dragon is now expiring in the game. Along with that comes the Easter Dragon which is available for a limited time for players to breed. They have also added the purple Gemstone dragon into the game.

Dragon Story Snowman Expires

Snowman Dragon

Let’s begin by talking about the Snowman dragon, and following up with how players are doing. It seems most players that have been breeding the Snowman Dragon has gotten the dragon and moved on. New players are encouraged to breed for this dragon because it is expiring in 2 days and will be removed from the market after this weekend.

If you still need to get the Snowman Dragon, check here for confirmed combinations.

How to breed Easter Dragon

Dragon Story Easter Dragon

The Easter Dragon has also been released for Dragon Story’s Easter event. That means you can now breed for the Easter Dragon using it’s elements. The elements for this dragon is Red and Yellow. You can simply use a Fire Dragon and a Air Dragon for a chance to get the dragon in your game. You can check here for more information.

Gemstone Amethyst Dragon

Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon

Amethyst Dragon is a gemstone dragon that you can only craft in the store. It cannot be bred, the dragon cannot be bred. No gemstone dragon have been breed-enabled in the history of Dragon Story at the time of this writing. You can check out the Amethyst Dragon page here.


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  • how to breed easter dragon in dragon story

  2 Responses to “Dragon Story: How to breed Easter Dragon, Snowman Expires, Gemstone”

  1. What do you get when you breed together light and magic add bleedingheart

  2. so ho cars

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