Sep 272012

Dragon Story players are not getting one dragon this week but two! The Tusker Dragon is here! It’s amazing how TeamLava has done such an amazing job with Dragon Story and the Tusker Dragon is here this week after the release of the Light Dragons last week.

Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Baby

The Tusker Dragon requires you to have the Light Dragon (can be purchased in the market for coins). The Light Dragon was released into the markets after downloading their new update dubbed “Dragon Story: New Dawn” for Apple iOS and for Android players, you don’t even need to update. Android players will get the dragons added into the market automatically in their game.

After you have obtained the Light Dragon you can breed for the Tusker Dragon.

How to breed Tusker Dragon

If you want to breed the Tusker Dragon then ensure that your Light Dragon is up to level and ready for breeding. Select the Fire Dragon and then the Light Dragon in your breeding den for a chance to get the Tusker Dragon. This is the best combination because it is the direct elements of the Tusker Dragon. If you have been successful then you will get a 21 hours breeding time.

Upon completing the breeding and hatching process, you will be able to place the Tusker Dragon into any Red Rock or White Meadow Habitats.

A common question is breeding left and right, the order of the dragon, and the level of the dragons. All of this do not affect your breeding process. Breeding for the dragon is up to chance and the game giving you the dragon breeding time. Good Luck breeding and for more information check out the Tusker Dragon here.

This page is about...

  • tusker dragon
  • tusker dragon gameteep
  • how to get a tusker dragon
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  • how to breed tusker dragon in dragon story
  • how to get a tusker dragon in

  3 Responses to “Dragon Story: How to breed Tusker Dragon”

  1. It’s 21 hours I got it just by simply breeding red dragon and light dragon please add InkModel

  2. Can you guys make an emo dragon

  3. Can you guy a emo dragon

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