Oct 252012

It looks like Dragon Story developers released two new dragons for your game. The Zombie Dragon and the Boo Dragon is now available for players to breed. One of these dragons appears to be available for only a limited time and on top of that, it appears that the developers have re-released the two dragons that were available previously for a limited time.

Dragon Story Zombie Dragon Epic

How to breed Zombie Dragon (Learn More)

The Zombie Dragon in Dragon Story is a limited edition dragon made available for Halloween in Dragon Story player isles. It looks like the dragon represents a zombie and it’s breeding combination only requires two different elements. The elements for this dragon is Green and Purple which means that it’s you’ll have to wait up to 21 hours if you get a Poison Dragon.

We recommend you use the Magic Dragon and the Forest Dragon in the breeding den for a chance to get the Zombie Dragon. The breeding time for this dragon is 28 hours which is also seen as two days but that doesn’t mean you got a Diamond Dragon but a Zombie Dragon!

How to breed Boo Dragon (Learn More)

Dragon Story Boo Dragon Epic

We’re not sure if the Boo Dragon is only available for a limited time but that isn’t written in the notes for the game. The elements for this dragon is Light (White) and Purple which means you need to have a Light Dragon in your island before you can actually breed for this dragon.

If you want to breed for the Boo Dragon you need to use the Magic Dragon and the Light Dragon in the breeding den for a chance to get the Boo Dragon. The breeding time is 12 hours and so is it’s egg hatching time.

This page is about...

  • breed zombie dragon
  • how long does the boo dragon in dragon story take to breed
  • how to breed zombie dragon
  • how to get boo dragon dragon story
  • my first dogs
  • what is the breeding time for zombie dragon
  • zombie dragon breeding

  18 Responses to “Dragon Story: How to breed Zombie/Boo Dragon”

  1. umm, I breed'd magic&green and it says 21 hours so.. I get poison or what? :o

  2. im in love with these hallowen dragons but i cant breed them most of all i want a pumpkin dragon, plz add me send gold evry day i send back i play evry day id:allanzeki, thanks evry1 :D

  3. I got a witch dragon and plenty of poisondragons

  4. Breed poison dragons passed lvl 7 with magic dragon passed lvl 7

  5. I finally got thd boo dragon add Kassandra1o13

  6. Second try with Witch9 and Forest9 got Zombie! Got Witch second try with forest9 and magic4!

  7. I got zombie after 4 tries with low level serpent and magic dragons, add me rachums2

  8. I got zombie too by breeding forest on left n magic on right!

  9. Yes finally got zombie dragon

  10. 10x poison I'm afraid I won't get one:(. Stupid poison dragons. Kix rox.

  11. Add me mrmjg

  12. Add me mrmjg

  13. I keep getting poison dragons. Hoping for witch or zombie. So far 10x

  14. I have zombie, boo (breeding dem) and witch now on my iPad! And 2 pumpkin dragon on my iPhone.. I have all! :D

    iPad: MariDolly
    iPhone: Dollymari

  15. Zombie dragon takes over 24 hours so it might tell you two days. Keep breeding. I got mine just a day ago.

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