Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon


The Eclipse Dragon in Dragon Story was discovered on April 25 2013 and released on April 25 2013  right after the Dawntree Dragon that was just released before. The Eclipse Dragon goes back to its roots with amazing new COSMIC dragons for your Dragon Story Isle.

” Eclipse Dragons are uneasy about dragons or Caretakers that are well-lit. If they are approached by someone in the daytime, they will often reposition themselves so that they are flying in between the Caretaker and the Sun, puttin gthe person in the shade.” - Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon Shop Description

 Dragon Story Cosmic Element

Dragon Story Eclipse Dragon

Release Date:

April 25 2013

Rarity:  Super Rare

Hatching Time: 14 Hours

Buying Price:  1,600 Dragon Story Gold Icon

Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon

Habitat: Cosmic Expanse Habitat

Level Requirement: 40

Evolution Time: 14 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon Key Features

  • Eclipse Dragon
  •  Rare
  • Requires level 40+
  • Black + White + Cosmic

Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon breeding guide

The breeding combination for this dragon has not been confirmed in this recent release. However, the most recommended combination is using an Cosmic Dragon and an Moon Dragon. 

  • Cosmic Dragon and the Moon Dragon is the only confirmed combination.

You have to be level 40+.

The breeding time is 14  Hours hours which is 13:59:59 Hours on the timer.

The breeding time for the Eclipse Dragon is 14 Hours. Breeding of the dragons left or right does not matter or make a difference. It is up to the the luck of your game to give you a Eclipse Dragon or another dragon.

For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Eclipse Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.

Once you have obtained the Eclipse dragon egg and the hatched the Eclipse dragon you can place the Eclipse dragon into the Cosmic habitat in your Dragon Story island.

Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Eclipse Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution. You will gain his Adult form after level 6 and when you feed your dragon towards level 9 he will then use the evolution chamber once again.

When you evolve your dragon from level 9 to level 10 he will evolve into his final form which is named “Epic” form.

Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1  320 Level 6  1,536
Level 2  512 Level 7  1,824
Level 3  672 Level 8  2,064
Level 4  960 Level 9  2,304
Level 5  1,248 Level 10  2,560Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 25 Level 6  1250
Level 2  50 Level 7  3000
Level 3  125 Level 8  7000
Level 4  300 Level 9  12500
Level 5  750 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon Story Eclipse Dragon egg  Dragon Story Eclipse Dragon
Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Eclipse Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Eclipse Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Eclipse Dragon Epic


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  • eclipse dragon in dragon story
  • how can u breed an eclipse dragon on dragonstory
  • how to breed a eclipse dragon
  • how to breed a eclipse dragon on dragon story

  30 Responses to “Dragon Story: Eclipse Dragon”

  1. I just bread one, it’s in my nest  14hrs breeding time.

  2. I need this dragon how do you get it

  3. What’s the mix!

  4. Anyone have the combo yet? I’ve been breeding Cosmic/Diamond with no luck yet.

  5. I got it with cosmic and moon dragons… About the 10th time…. Lol! Come see with Si2005.

  6. Oh and the time is 6:59:59 with 14 gold with the changes that hit last week.

  7. Awesome dragon but what’s the combo?? Add me if you would like
    ID= hechler
    ID= tgb1991

  8. U guys are RICH. Add me storm8id123408

  9. it looks like sunrise

  10. I hope i can do it
    Add Me ‘Indayanie’  (o^^)o

  11. I hope i can do it
    Add Me ‘Indayanie’

  12. Got it first try with cosmic and night!!
    Add me TheMarine92

  13. Cosmic + Night.

  14. I got it first try with a diamond and a level 4 cosmic.

  15. I failed to get it on my first try

  16. First try,, diamond and cosmic..

  17. 2nd try black+cosmic. Add me underoath1990

  18. i breed eclipse but i dont have the habitat so i have so sell it :(
    i need more coin and do ayny1 know how the fastest way to get coin

  19. I’m bored with this game, done. I don’t know what the deal is but it seems no matter how many different combos I breed I’m getting the same old ones. Whether it’s 2c or 4c. I haven’t tried for Diamond in a while because of this.

  20. I just got one using diamond and cosmic, first try :)


  21. Got mine second try diamond and cosmic. Id AshBashBash15

  22. For getting this beautiful Eclipse Dragon i used Cosmic+Moon dragon. Hope its help u all to breed one and i dont even have a Diamond dragon …yet :)

  23. I just got use diamond and cosmic. More easier to get by this combination because less splitting color. Moon and cosmic is the most difficult combination. Good luck

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