Aug 282013

It looks like the developers have made an update by releasing a brand new dragon called the Bronze Dragon for DragonVale Players. The Bronze Dragon was released in the afternoon of August 27th 2013, and is a treasure element dragon in the game. The dragon does not appear to be limited and can be obtain using two simple elements in the game.

How does the Dragon Look?

The dragon shares similarities with the rainbow dragon and the Panlong Dragon. It has the similar shape but is colored in brown, green, and light tints of yellow in the front. There are extra hair in various places and the design in the eyes may also be different.

How to breed Bronze Dragon

DragonVale Bronze Dragon Evolution

The Bronze Dragon is a treasure element dragon and requires you to use a Metal element dragon with an Earth element dragon for a chance to get the dragon in the game.

Here are the Bronze Dragon breeding notes

  • Use Earth Dragon + Metal Dragon
  • Breeding time is 46 hours
  • Upgraded breeding time is 37 hours.
  • The dragon can only be placed into the Treasure Habitat

General Breeding Notes

  • Using level 20+ Dragons will make breeding rare dragons easier
  • Breeding Tree generally gives a better chance at obtaining rare dragons
  • The left or right selection of your dragon does not matter.

This page is about...

  • how to breed bronze dragon
  • how to breed bronze dragon dragonvale
  • breed bronze dragon dragonvale
  • bronze dragon
  • how do you breed the bronze dragon on dragonvale
  • how to breed a bronze dragon dragonvale
  • how to breed a bronze treasure dragon

  2 Responses to “DragonVale: Bronze Dragon Now Available”

  1. Liberty & Iron work! Both are level 17.

  2. Darn missed the liberty dragon tryed breeding it the whole time it eas available no luck! Any other combos that would work without the liberty dragon!?

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