The Dark Dragons in DragonVale has been released! Players can now begin breeding for an entirely new line of dark elemental dragons in the game. This also completes the Light and Dark Dragon event that the developers setup at the release to bring these two amazing dragons back into the game.
There are 8 brand new dragons for you to obtain through either breeding or the purchases and they are the following.
” Torn from our world long ago, Dark Dragons have returned to herald true balance to magic. Due to their lack of excellent eyesight they often get very close to… everything. Their fierce loyalty and companionship have made them quick favorites of many members of the wizarding community.” Dark Dragon Game Description
DragonVale: Cave Dragon
” Found deep in the Tull Caverns, cave dragons have adapted googly eyes to see in the dark. Their long jointed legs make them excellent runners, able to clear large boulders whilst staying in full stride.
” Cave Dragon Game Description
” Root dragons are quickly becoming known for their love of questing. Making these dragons available to park owners was originally difficult due to their disdain for being transplanted from their original habitat.
” Root Dragon Game Description
” The great wizard Garriott often uses rare plants as reagents in his complex spells. While gathering a batch of the nightshade plant at midnight on a full moon, he happened upon a new type of dark dragon. He promptly named them nightshade dragons due to the resemblance of their wings to the plant of the same name.” Nightshade Dragon Game Description
” The wizard Guy Gacks, son of Arne, was the first person to discover the dungeon dragon deep in an ancient network of catacombs. The entrance to the catacombs is near a keep on the borderlands between the Sandara Desert and the Drag Marshes.
” Dungeon Dragon Game Description
” Watch dragons rarely sleep. Instead, these alert guardians look after parks night and day. We’re not quite sure what they need to protect us from, but their tenacity and courage are admirable.” Watch Dragon Game Description
“The fungus dragons have an interesting trait. They have gills that allow their mouth to expand to fit an impressive number of treats! Reading the notes of the Witch Hyphae, “They’re also very friendly and have been known to like people.” Wait.. does that say ‘lick people’? “ Fungus Dragon Game Description
” What? Another rift dragon? The wizards thought only the first magic would imbue rift eggs, but so much Dark Magic was cast through the rift that a new type of rift dragon was made possible.
” Dark Rift Dragon Game Description