The Copper Dragon in DragonVale is a metal and lightning dragon that was released on May 25 2012. The copper dragon looks like a metal dino that will certainly make your DragonVale park shine! The copper dragon is only available to players that have reached at least level 17 in their DragonVale park and players can breed it or purchase the copper dragon.
If you are looking to purchase the copper dragon for your DragonVale park then the copper dragon cost 750 Gems, but like all great players they take their breeding skills to the test by actually breeding it. To breed the copper dragon you need to know that it’s a lightning and metal element which means any combination that has those two has a chance of obtaining the copper dragon.
To know if you have a copper dragon breeding in your DragonVale park simply look for a 20 hours breeding time and if you do the chances of obtaining a copper dragon is pretty high. Once you have hatched the copper dragon you can place the copper dragon into a lightning habitat or a metal habitat. If you want to sell the copper dragon you can obtain 1,150,000 gold for your troubles and also get 100,00 experience for every copper dragon you breed and hatch into your dragonvale park!
Check out the DragonVale: Copper Dragon Page for more information
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If you breed a current & brass dragon you will get copper good luck.