Jul 072012
DragonVale Pollen Dragon Baby

DragonVale players are happy to find that Backflip Studios has released a brand new design dragon for their DragonVale park. This new dragon is named the Pollen Dragon and features an entirely new design that you’ve never seen before.

DragonVale Pollen Dragon Baby

What is so cool about this pollen dragon is that it features a light-tint green with pollen-like flowers over its body and there is three brand new forms that will wow your Apple Device display as you breed it in your park.

So what is this Pollen Dragon? Well this Pollen Dragon is a combination of Air and Plant elements just like the Willow Dragon. What makes this dragon so special is its unique and never before seen design. If you want to get one of these Pollen Dragon breeding in your park then you should start breeding for it immediately in your game.

To get the Pollen Dragon you are recommended to use a Plant Dragon on the left and a an Air Dragon on the right. The level of the dragon does not matter, the selection order of the dragon also does not matter. Once you start breeding these dragon look for a 7 hours breeding process which represents the Pollen Dragon’s breeding time.  If you have achieve this breeding time then you have a Pollen Dragon breeding in your DragonVale park! If not continue to try until you have a 7 hours breeding time.

Upon hatching a Pollen Dragon you can place the dragon into any Plant or Air Habitat in your game.

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