Jun 012013

The Emerald Dragon has left the dragon market in the game but the Pearl dragon is back in 2013 for players that are born in June. This Pearl Dragon is the representation of the June birthstone which is often known to be the precious Pearl gemstone.

DragonVale Pearl Dragon Egg

The Pearl Dragon is known to dragon breeders in DragonVale as the white Gemstone Dragon in the game for her beautiful white appearance. This gemstone dragon was the second gemstone dragon to be released initially in 2012 after the Emerald Dragon. The dragon has emerald green eyes with pearls around it’s body – especially the big pearl at the tip of it’s tail.

How long is it available for?

The dragon has been re-released into the markets on June 1st 2013, and will be available for the entire month of June 2013.

How to breed Pearl Dragon?

There is only one combination – no exception. To breed the Pearl Dragon, you need to use the Seaweed Dragon and the Snow Dragon.

How do I increase my chance for obtaining the Pearl Dragon?

Since the beginning of 2013, there has been  some ways to better increase your chance for obtaining rare dragons like the Gemstone Dragons. They are listed below.

  • Use Level 15+ breeding dragons for a better chance to get rare dragons
  • Use level 20 breeding dragons for the absolute best chance to obtain the Pearl Dragon.

Where can I see more about the Pearl Dragon?

This page is about...

  • gemstone dragon
  • gemstone dragons
  • gemstone dragons dragonvale
  • when are gemstone dragons available

  One Response to “DragonVale: Pearl Dragon is back for breeding, June 2013!”

  1. I tried ALL MONTH nonstop for Pearl! Since I started playing this game in June 2012 I’ve waited to get this one… And it is the first dragon I could not get. I’m so disappointed that I’m tempted to delete the whole dang game! I can’t believe I’ll have to wait a year for it! It’s the only game I play and I’ve invested time and some mula in this game. Any suggestions or answers as to Y I failed?

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