Aug 012013

The Peridot Dragon is now back in the store for DragonVale, breeding has also been enabled. The Peridot Dragon is a gemstone dragon that has been made available to celebrate players born in August, and will be available for the of month of August until September.  That means you can only obtain the dragon during this time and any other time trying to obtain the dragon in 2013 will not work.

DragonVale-PERIDOT-Dragon August

About Peridot Dragon

The Peridot Dragon is a green gemstone dragon that has the Peridot gemstone around it’s head and tail. There are also traces of this dragon’s gemstone on it’s nails. It has brown eyes and yellow tinted with green wings. It’s body is mostly covered in green with some light green dots.

How to breed Peridot Dragon 2013

  • To breed the Peridot Dragon you need to use the Cactus Dragon and the Crystal Dragon.
  • The breeding time is 01:06:29:59 or 31 hours

You can place the dragon into any gemstone habitat upon hatching the dragon into your game.

Keep in mind about breeding

  • Breeding is up to luck even if you have the correct combination
  • Using the breeding tree will give you a better rate and chance of getting rare dragons
  • Using Level 20 will give you the best chance of getting rarer dragons.
  • Breeding Cave and Breeding Tree both will allow you to get the dragon, just the rates are different.


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  8 Responses to “DragonVale: Peridot Dragon is back for breeding, 2013!”

  1. I know this is impossible, but the descriptions of the gemstone dragons (especially here on Gameteep) make it sound like you have to be born in that month to get that specific dragon. For example, it sounds like you can only get the peridot dragon if you were born in August…I wasn’t born in August but I still want this dragon…

    • You don’t have to be born in the month but people that are born in the month for a certain dragon have a more sentimental feeling towards the dragon. For example, if you read horoscopes, yours is more important but others will surely like to get the dragon even if they aren’t born in that month.

    • I wasn’t born in July, But I still got Ruby Dragon Dis Year…

  2. You need cactus and crystal

  3. Android Players! Add me on Facebook Jennifer Williams! I don’t have gem tree, but I play daily! Gem fo Gem! Well, fo Three People a day. :/

  4. I don’t know why but i think dragon story is better i think dis game is crap

    • Dragon Story Is Not Better than DragonVale. Look at It at Wbangca’s Site.

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