DragonVale Maximum Profit 1.0
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The following guide will help you maximize your earning in dragoncash making it the most profitable islands ever. Credits go to SueMissSue for discovering the combinations and Zeaman21 for the inspiration and while I tested it and wrote this guide. Find her profile here and game center information
Game center: Sue Miss Sue
Game Center: Zeaman21
This leaves two exceptions, the Reindeer and the Sandstorm.
*New* Love Dragon, Panlong Dragon, Frostfire Dragon, Iceberg Dragon have not been included. Please share your results.
Setting up your DragonVale island
Island #1
Plant Boost
Earth Boost
Fire Boost
Island #2
Water Boost
Air Boost
Island #3
Cold Boost
Lightning Boost
Placing your Dragons
Below are the profits per minute at level 15 with + from the boosters.
Dragons that go into island #1
Fire Type
Bone Dragon 90/min+ [Level 15]
Lava Dragon 68/min+ [Leve 15]
Scorch Dragon 104/min+ [Level 15]
Firefly Dragon 97/min+ [Level 15]
Flower Dragon 125/min+ [Level 15]
Fire Dragon 84/min+ [Level 15]
Ground Type
Crystal Dragon 84/min+ [Level 15]
Mud Dragon 61/min+ [Level 15]
Earth Dragon 42/min+ [Level 15]
Quake Dragon 104/min+ [Level 15]
Plant Dragons
Tree Dragon 55/min+ [Level 15]
Seaweed Dragon 56/min+ [Level 15]
Swamp Dragon 104/min+ [Level 15]
Moss Dragon 77/min+ [Level 15]
Poison Dragon 116/min+ [Level 15]
Plant Dragon 194/min+ [Level 15]
Dragons that go into island #2
Air Dragons
Air Dragon 71/min+ [Level 15]
Willow Dragon 84/min+ [Level 15]
Blazing Dragon 77/min+ [Level 15]
Water Dragons
Water Dragon 97/min+ [Level 15]
Fog Dragon 109/min+ [Level 15]
Ice Dragon 64/min+ [Level 15]
Dragons that go into island #3
Cold Dragons
Storm Dragon 125/min+ [Level 15]
Cold Dragon 54/min+ [Level 15]
Snow Dragon 56/min+ [Level 15]
Blue Fire Dragon 232/min+ [Level 15]
Mountain Dragon 48/min+ [Level 15]
Lightning Dragons
Sonic Dragon 84/min+ [Level 15]
Lightning Dragon 104/min+ [Level 15]
Queena Smith
Anna Mills