Apr 252013

Dungeon Hunter 4 is the fourth installment to the Dungeon Hunter series from Gameloft for mobile devices. The original first two titles of Dungeon Hunter are paid games while the third and this fourth title are free to play games in the mobile store of your device.

Play as four different classes in the game ranging from Battleworn, Blademaster, Warmage, or the Sentinel. Each character has their unique attacks and skills for you to develop in the game. You’ll also get to choose between male and female characters depending on your preference.

Dungeon Hunter 4 Review Screen

 Gameteep Rating: 4 Stars

Dungeon Hunter 4 icon

App Name: Dungeon Hunter 4
Seller: Gameloft

Release Date:
Apr 11, 2013Apple iOS
Apr 11, 2013Android OS

Genre: Action RPG
Gameteep Rating: 4/5

Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 3.5/5 (2 votes cast)

Dungeon Hunter 4 Gameplay

You begin in the Kingdom of Valenthia, apparently the demons have returned and out of surprise during a war that eventually caused chaos to the land. Your first journey is to tackle demons in the kingdom of Valenthia and see what has happened to the King and Council.

As you venture into the kingdom, you will find that it’s surrounded by demon creatures and some surviving members. Continuing into the castle, you will find the king killed and then a demon approaches you in battle… after the battle is the true beginning of your journey in this adventure.

Play style

A dungeon crawling hack and slash is what most players would call this game. Upon selecting your character, you are thrown into the battle field with demons where you’ll be swinging whatever weapon is in your hand to tackle the enemies in the area.


You’ll mostly be using the analog stick on the bottom left corner and the series of attack buttons on the right hand side of your device. Your special attacks are also aligned on the right side of the screen so be sure to watch what you’re using.


There are four different classes in this game. Each class has their own play style and skills for you to master. The four classes in this game are in the following:

Battleworn:  Equipped with powerful broadwords and thick armor, members of the elite Battlesworn Warrior regiment leap fearlessly into battle and can crush several enemies with a single blow.

Blademaster: Deadly swordsmen and martial artists, Blademasters are unmatched in solo combat. They also wield impressive magic, allowing them to become invisible or sap energy from their foes.

Warmage: From a young age, the Academy’s Warmages are trained to arcane destruction. They serve in the Valen army as human cannons, and can teleport away from danger if the enemy gets too close.

Sentinel: Not just the best archers in Valenthia, the Sentinels are also the eyes and ears of the Valen army. They can move quickly, lay traps and debilitate enemies from afar.


There is a multiplayer portion to this game but it’s not a full-fledge MMO game so don’t be too excited. You get to enter CO-OP arenas for this game for fights and a PvP mode.

Dungeon Hunter 4 Graphics

The graphics in Dungeon Hunter 4 lives up to the expectations from previous Dungeon Hunter titles and is well developed. Most of the graphics are sharp and highly polished in 3D and looks similar to graphics on the NDS or PSP or even better.

Dungeon Hunter 4 Sounds

There is a good amount of soundtrack and sound effects to keep you enjoying the game. There are also full spoken dialogues which mean you don’t have to read the text but just listen to the voice actors.

Dungeon Hunter 4 Round-up

The Dungeon Hunter series is a well-developed dungeon-crawling action RPG game. It’s not for everyone though, there is blood in this game so if you’re looking to pick this up for your children.

Other than that Dungeon Hunter is a pretty decent action game to have on your mobile device. You get a great portable gaming device experience with lots of voice actors and video clips that immerse you into the world of Dungeon Hunter.

If you like action RPG and exploring dungeons or have played the previous titles and enjoyed them then this is one game you want to keep on your mobile device.

Bottom line:

Dungeon Hunter 4 Screenshots

Dungeon Hunter 4 Review Screenshot 1Dungeon Hunter 4 Review Screenshot 2Dungeon Hunter 4 Review Screenshot 3Dungeon Hunter 4 Review Screenshot 4Dungeon Hunter 4 Review Screenshot 5Dungeon Hunter 4 Review Screenshot 6

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  •  Simple Controls
  • Tons of hack and slash action
  • Good graphics
  • Co-op and PvP opportunity
  •  Crashes
  • Pricing for certain items


  4 Responses to “Dungeon Hunter 4 Review”

  1. Hey, add me at chakan97 in gameloft, I found that the sentinels “gilded hood” tier 11, is 0 gold to upgrade, have fun. I hope it works for you too.

  2. Any hints, comment please.

  3. is this online or is it available even if offline?

    • You can play the game offline, but you cannot merge charms, use the daily wheel of fortune or upgrade, it requires wifi.

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