Fish with Attitude players, there is less than 24 hours until the Toy Fish is officially removed from the market from purchases or breeding. The Toy Fish was released a couple weeks ago as part of an Limited Time fish that is only available for 14 days and that limited time fish is running out. In fact, the count down is to less than 24 hours as this is written.
The Toy Fish is a toy looking fish with multiple colors and is one of the most uniquely designed fish today. It features a fish that looks like that it’ll love candy and even appears to have some within its body. This Toy Fish however is known to be a “Special” Trait fish that you can only obtain using a very unique combination. Meaning, not every combination works to breeding the Toy Fish and you must use the correct combination for even a chance at getting this limited time offer.
How to breed Toy Fish
The Toy Fish is known to be a special breed but you can breed one using this very exclusive combination that we recommend because it has been tested and working.
Although generally breeding games aligns to elements but Fish with Attitude has rarely gone that route with their special fishes so be sure to keep in mind that this is probably the only combination that will work to breeding the Toy Fish for your game. The recommended combinations are using a Clown Fish and a Funny Fish in your Fish with Attitude game. Keep in mind that breeding is up to your luck in the game. Good luck to breeding the Toy Fish and be sure to check out its page for more information below!