Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish


If you love designs then you should definitely look for this Fish with Attitude fish because that’s all it does. Design! It is one of the most creative fish and artistic fish in the entire lot. Filled with imaginations and a design sense that anyone would love. Would this designer fish be designing the next iPhone 5 or iPod Touch 5? Who knows that’s a possibility but one thing is for sure. This fish is a design fish and definitely wanted by all designers.

“Have you seen the latest styles? Aren’t they beautiful? Well, there’s a good chance they were made by the nimble fins of this very fish. Its designs are the height of fishion!” - Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Description


Little aquarium creative traitLittle aquarium smart-traitFish with Attitude Shy Trait
Fish with Attitude Designer Fish Adult

Release Date: Original

Breeding Time: 16 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 16 Hours
Buying Price: 709pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Creative, Shy, Smart
Level Requirement: 13

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Breeding guide

The Designer fish is three trait fish that requires three specific traits to be bred in your Fish with Attitude game. The traits for this fish is a Smart TraitCreative Trait and a Shy Trait. This means you need any fish with the Smart TraitCreative Trait and a Shy Trait to be successful at breeding the Designer Fish.

Recommended combinations are Nerdy Fish and Creative Fish

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Next Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2 7/Minute
Level 3 8/Minute

Fish with Attitude: Designer Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Designer Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Designer Fish Adult
      • Coolfish037

        Funny fish and creative try it a few times it works

      • Sharon

        That is wizard

        • Jordan

          Or the astronaut

      • Kaitlin Anderson

        I at least bred 8 dancers

        Hey want to be friends?(I’m 15)

      • Sharilyn

        Hi Amélie, I have bred a model fish with a nerdy 4 times now and everytime I have got the astronaut. Still cant get that designer, so maybe if you use those 2 again you might get the astronaut this time. I am actually selling some of them now as I have to many…I want the designer…:)
        GOOD LUCK…:)

        • Isabella Morton

          Just breed Dancer Fish and Smart Fish…
          Hope it helps :)

          • a person

            that makes nerdy fish!

        • Hailey

          I bred the cool fish and movie star fish. Hope it helps!

      • Ashley

        Amelie hey! I just recently breed the vampire fish……it is astronaut and pirate together. Good luck!

      • Superstar

        Do you know how to make a celestial fish?

        • Christian Tobon

          You need fairy fish and unicorn to get angel fish hope it helps

    • a person

      I got 6 hours that is so stupid it doesn’t even work I will take that back IF its the designer fish :$

      • a person

        that one from me is to the first guy

      • Omar

        I did try that as well , what do you get

      • Destiny1047

        It takes several tries. But dont worry! Im sure you’ll get it somehow :)

    • Girl

      We’re they ecstatic or even happy

    • Lizzie

      Hey, I have tried EVERYTHING even your combonation about a million times and nothing is working, I’m honestly thinking about just giving up! I’ve tried artist fish+ shy fish, dancer fish+ smart fish, model fish+nerdy fish…. PLEASE HELP ME DDD:

  • Greer

    I bred nerdy and creative to get designer and it also took 16 hours as well

  • Isabella Morton

    I GOT HER! You just need to breed Dancer Fish with Smart Fish!
    Breeding time is 16 hrs.

  • Nicholas

    Ya sorry to say but that fish Is easy to get its not hard to get

  • Yoyo

    Can someone tell me why I can’t get the designer fish!!! I’ve tried all of your suggestions! Im breeding nerdy and model and it takes 10 hours. Anyone know if it is the designer?

    • kyleen

      Hey! So i was looking at the traits and after reviewing each fish’s traits i decided to try (ECSTATIC) DANCER fish -(Creative & shy traits) with SMART fish -(Smart trait)
      Currently waiting for this lil doll to hatch (:
      16 hour breeding time.
      Good luck!!

    • Mina

      Sorry Yoyo,
      I’m pretty sure that you haven’t got the designer fish. I think that take 16 hours. I’ve tried everything too! It’s so annoying. Do you have any ideas?

      • Phoebe

        No you don’t I got the Unicorn fish with movie star anf model fish


          The recommended breeding is model and designer

        • Tylette Westnedge

          Not true. I used model and rare pop star.

  • Jay cop

    I have breeders the dancer fish with the smart fish but gt a white egg with red white and blue stripes is this the president fish?

    • candyland02

      no that’s artist fish

  • Jay cop

    How many times did you have to breed dancer fish a smart fish to get her? I can’t get her! Please help

  • Ummm helloooo

    Is it crazy I got the designer fish with a wizard and a salesman? I was trying for an astronaut!

  • Darcy

    I was wondering if anyone has tried to breed the fairy and unicorn and got either the designer or cowboy. I was going for an angel fish but got a 16 breeding time. So it’s one of the two. I’ll be happy with the cowboy but I already have the designer. Just plain curious :D Any help is appreciated!

    • Christian Tobon

      I tried that and I got a designer fish but my sister deleted all of my fish even the angel fish

    • Girl

      That stinks :( I need the designer for the unicorn but I can’t get the designer :(

  • Bob

    Does Artist and shy work cuz its not working for me

  • Nissy54321

    I bred Queen Fish with Clown Fish & got her on the first try. Breeding and hatching 16 hours. :)

    • Kitty Kat

      What’s a queen fish?

      • Lexy Kaltron

        Hey I would like that deal! How do I add people?

    • Amalia

      Do ecstatic shy fish
      And one bellow ecstatic artist fish

  • 123

    Please please please can someone help me I’ve been trying every combination but nothing seems to work for this fish I have a hole line of fish up to designer then devil then ruby then galaxy please please help I’m desperate please someone get back to me

  • Deckcar

    I’ve tried every suggestion and CAN NOT get the designer fish!!! Why is she so hard to get?!?! Does anyone have any OTHER suggestions? Please help!

  • Chris reed

    I bread Astranaut with Evil fish and got designer fish.

    • Deckcar

      Thank you! I will try it…

  • 123

    I tried that and it didn’t work have you got any other suggestions ?

  • Deckcar

    Hasn’t worked for me either… I don’t get why this fish is so hard to get, is she special in someway, like do u need her to get something harder or ???

    • Jadie-girl

      Try Artist and Nerdy I got 3 desinger fish from that :)

      • Amalia

        I dist for me I got nerdy. Indianna sleepy

      • Indigo

        Artist and Nerdy finally worked for me as well. After no luck (at least 15 tries) w/ Nerdy&Creative, Shy&Artist and Dancer&Smart. Big Thanks to Jadie-Girl!!!

  • Mini lady

    I got the designer fish with astronaut and secret agent.
    If it doesn’t work try swapping them around, so the first time you try it do the astronaut and secret agent, if that doesn’t work, do secret agent and astronaut.

    • Mini lady

      By the way does anyone know how to get the pirate fish ?

  • 123

    I’ve got every other fish except for her :(

  • Jadie-girl

    It works with the Nerdy and the Artist. it took 16 hours to breed and 16 to hatch :) hope that helps

  • WhitePearl

    If you want to get a designer fish so you can breed a unicorn, just breed model+movie star
    movie star is easy to get you need a paparazzi+creative
    model is easy to get too you need a pretty+creative
    I got them both on my first try and also my unicorn, hope this helps GOOD LUCK!!!

  • Amalia

    I breed
    Left artist fish and right shy fish
    Ecstatic shy fish
    And one bellow ecstatic artist fish
    I’m trying to breed unicorn I have had the model since I started
    And my designer is taking 14 hours to breed and 14houres to hatch but I am still waiting for artist and shy fish to finish
    Hope it works for you
    I have tried every comber nation so this is the one I made up so and I know it works I have been trying for 1hole year I have finally got it yay

  • Amalia

    I’m still waiting

  • Amalia

    When shy and artist finally finshd breeding it took 16 houres to hatch not 14

  • 123

    You don’t need designer to make unicorn you use model left & popstar right hope it works

  • amalia

    once you get deigner fish she likes the unicorn fish so you cant relly get the deigner fish estatic you need to all redy have the unicorn fish but if you have loads of pearls you can buy it but be warnd she is a picky custumer
    onece i was able to get on to the ipad i am still wating for it to turn in to an adult
    i tryed and it took 20 houres
    so to get the unicorn fish is relly imposible cus the designer fish wont and cant be estatic so you must make it one bellow from estaric to even have a 1 out of 10 chance

  • Lily

    I breeded nerdy with creative and I the breeding time is 5 hours

  • Choco- l-a-t-e

    On a totally unrealated note I have an egg that’s like a light and bright teal

  • Choco- l-a-t-e

    What is it

  • andikencana

    Try artist fish and pretty fish for get designer fish good lucky^^

  • MiniSugarDrop

    The egg sure is cute! I got it. To get this u need hobo fosh and creative fish
    Hoped this helped! Im sorry if it doesnt work but i did it and it worked! :)
    Please dont think bad of me i was only tryig to help ;)

  • Lynnette

    Werewolf and ghost, 16 hour breeding time, what is it?

    • meg

      what was it?

  • Bazinga

    How the hell!!!! OMG! I just randomly typed in pirate and astronaught and first time got a fish for 40 hours does anyone know what the hell it is?!?

    • Tandemmama

      What did it end up being, bazinga? 40 hours, that is weird.

      I just did rare designer with rare pirate and got a 20 hour fish… No idea what it is. Maybe unicorn? I already have the four magic fish so I’m just playing around, trying to fill in the rest of the rare randomly by breeding the rare fish I do have. I’ll take an extra unicorn, though–maybe if I’m lucky, it will be a rare one!

  • Guy

    Got this fish while trying to breed geisha.

  • meg

    got this with pretty & astronaut while trying to get butterly

  • Leslie

    Awesome videos!

  • Flower power

    Whoever got did it really take 14 hours? :(

  • There_she_goes

    How do you breed nerdy fish!!!!?!!

  • a person

    dancer and smart = nerdy There_she_goes and this is awesome im not the newest one typing on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  • Flower power

    I’ve tried millions of times and stupid creative and stupid nerdy

  • Flower power

    Everybody says model and movie star that true has it been comfirmed?

  • Flower power

    Words of advice nerdy and creative HAVE to be ecstatic! :) I got 16 hours whoo

  • Flower power

    No I just got the designer fish egg and its 16 hours to breed not 14 so gameteep is wrong like so wrong any way to get unicorn does model and designer have to be ecstatic or does it not because my aim is to get unicorn but I need my designer to hatch by the way when u get designer her favourite toy what is it because if I get it I 1 step closer from getting unicorn and by the way most people says that there unicorn fish is called uno is that true?? :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

    • Liscey

      You don’t need designer to get unicorn. I did what was suggested above breeding the model and movie star it worked and I got the unicorn. However, I’ve been unable to breed designer. I have all Fish except the designer, angel, and galaxy. Happy breeding

  • Flower power

    I did get designer fish RARE designer fish whoo!!

    • Kaitlin

      PLEASE TELL ME HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sidney’s

    I got vampire with pirate and asrounot hope it helps……:)

  • Sidney’s

    I got it with artist and dancer on my first try

  • gaializ

    I breed nerdy and creative and got a pink egg with black stripes but I still don’t now what fish it is. Can somebody tell me what fish it is. Please I only want designer and model so I can then breed unicorn! Please reply with the answer! P.S im 10 years old so I’m using my moms email.

  • gaializ

    It was a dancer

  • gaializ

    Please help! I’ve tried the suggested breeds but I always get nice fish . I’ve sold about 20 nice fish already . I need her combination please I’m sooooo desperate! P.S I’ve only been playing for 2 weeks and already have about 24 fish breeds and I don’t have any fish two times

  • Izzyoceangirl

    I tried a random mix and turns out shy fish and cowboy fish result in designer. The time is 16 hours.

  • Pari

    What does the egg look like cause’ like I’m getting an egg that is silver whitish and it has glasses on it

    • Lotis1234

      thats it…you got it

  • Girl

    I can’t get it

  • a person on earth.

    I bred Smart fish and Dancer fish to get designer fish. both were just happy.

  • Lotis1234

    What type of egg is light blue with dark blue stripes? it takes ^hrs to hatch and breed

    • Lotis1234

      never mind…i think its a rock star

  • Torii

    Is anyone willing to add me on Facebook so we can be friends on the game? No one that I know wants to download the game…

  • Heather

    Hi so, I breeded nerdy and model to try to get this fish. (Model on left and nerdy on right). Now, it is taking 10 hours to breed. Any idea what it is? Thanks! :)

  • Kate

    I GOT HER!!!! The designer fish it took 16 hours and needy+designer you have to try a couple of times to get it!!!

  • lily

    Thanks everyone and Kate it took 16 hours to breed and hatch the same i tried maybe 10 times in a few days and i finally got it nerdy+creative THANKS ALOT GUYZ

  • Kate

    Thanks everyone it took 16 hours to breed and hatch the same i tried maybe 10 times in a few days and i finally got it nerdy+creative THANKS ALOT GUYZ

  • Jules

    I must have tried to get this fish at least 50 times with so many different combinations but just can’t get her. I got vampire and fairy on my first tries for them
    But just no luck with this less rare fish, strange

  • Loganvolz

    I got the designer fish with SHY FISH and AUSTRONAUT FISH.


  • jayjay

    I FINALLY GOT HER!!!!! I breed a happy nerdy fish and a happy creative fish and it’s a 16 hr breeding time!!! I’ve been trying FOREVER because I really want the unicorn fish!!! :)

  • Mia

    I’m currently breeding Cool and Model (first attempt), and it’s a 16-hour breeding time!! If anyone isn’t having luck with this fish, try Cool and Model.

  • Hayley L

    I got the Designer Fish on the first try with the Fairy Fish & Unicorn Fish. I was expecting to get the Angel Fish which you might get by doing this combo. But there is a higher level chance of getting Designer rather than the Angel Fish.

  • mertingen

    To get the galaxy fish I simply just put the unicorn with the angel fish,I hope this helps for all of you trying to get the gallery fish.However,it does take 1-9 tries but goo luck :D

  • mertingen

    Good** `-`

    • mertingen

      And also,gallexy

  • becca

    nevermind … 16 hours worth of pearls later, i got a pirate fish

  • becca

    finally nerdy + creative on my ‘bajjilionth’ try

  • Emma G

    i got it by the artist fish and the shy fish

  • Cookie

    I got it in my first try it was nerdy +creative