Fish with Attitude: Easter Fish


The Easter Fish was released to Fish with Attitude players on March 18 2013. It features a fish that looks like an artistic fish available to celebrate the Easter event. It looks like a rabbit than a  fish.

“When this fish arrives with his eggs, he gets more attention than a Pop Star. It’s always a Party when the children run to find the hidden eggs!” - Fish with Attitude: Easter Fish Description

 fish with attitude limited edition trait

Fish with Attitude Easter Fish

Release Date: March 18 2013

Duration: 13 Days
Limited Edition
Breeding Time: 8 Hours
Hatch Time: 4 Hours
Buying Price: 349pearl
Selling Price:775 Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Special


User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.0/5 (4 votes cast)

Fish with Attitude: Easter Fish Key Feature

  • Limited edition fish
  • 13 Days limited edition
  • Special Event: Easter Fish
  • Definitely a must have fish for your tank!

Fish with Attitude: Easter Fish Breeding guide

The breeding combination is currently unknown or not confirmed please comment below if you know.

Players have confirmed that breeding the Pop Star Fish and the Party Fish   will give you the Easter Fish. This combination was suggested by the developers and it has been proven to be successful.

Please do not try to use other combinations as it may not give you this limited edition fish.

The breeding is 8 hours when using your breeding tank. Once the breeding has been completed, the egg hatching time is only 4 hours.

Fish with Attitude: Easter Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Easter Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1  5/minute 3450Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 2  6/minute 4465Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 3  7/minute 5515Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 4

Fish with Attitude: Easter Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Easter Fish egg  Fish with Attitude – Easter Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Easter Fish

Confirmation Video

  • There_she_goes

    How do you get pop star fish!!?????

    • Melanie foothart.

      Pop star fish

    • Melanie foothart.

      To get pop star fish use greedy fish and artist fish

  • shamrocklove

    Got it in three tries. Oh yeah!!!!

    • Bunny Girl

      were the fish ecstatic?

  • Melanie foothold

    You use pop star fish and party fish
    I already got it

  • The flipper

    PLZ oh PLZ let there be a different combination ! PLZ

  • Amalia

    You can you’d tockstar

  • Pinkgirly

    I can’t get this fish! I can’t get any special fish! Is there something you need to do to get one??? Please help me I’m so frustrated!!!!

  • Rare fish

    Plz tell another combination I can’t get it tried like 20 times and no they need 2 have starry eyes

    • Samantha

      No. It does take lots of tries, though.

  • meg

    really wish I could get this on android :(

    • Holly

      You can get the game on android. I have an android phone and have been playing this game for months now. This is one of the few games they have released and android version of. Happy playing!

  • Samantha

    They don’t have to be ecstatic. If you want to get the fishes required, here you go-

    Popstar Fish- Greedy+Artist

    Party Fish- Flirty+Shy, Dreamy+Nice

    Those pairs make the traits for the Popstar Fish and Party Fish.

    Hope this helps!

    ~ Samantha

  • There_she_goes

    Does anybody know how to breed magician fish???? It’s a limited fish by the way

    • Kenalynn

      To breed a magician fish, you have to use salesman fish and cool fish.

  • Holly

    I have tried 6 times now…no luck so far.

  • killfire

    does anyone know how to get unlimited pearls??

  • Damyja

    Why is it every time I try to breed a Greedy fish and a Artist fish the Artist fish turns into the Witch fish?
    Is this sh*t happening to anybody else?
    Any help would be appreciated.


  • Jack

    Can you still breed it?