Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish


The Fairy fish in Little aquarium is an ultra rare fish that was released on June 8th 2012 along with their line of new “Magical” trait fishes. The Fairy Fish is definitely one of a kind and has magical powers of any fairy you may have heard about. Just looking at this fairy fish will make you wonder how beautiful she is and how much magic it may possess.

“Hopes, dreams, and happiness follow in this fabled fish’s wake. Watch your tank fill with joy – and sparkles! – after a wave of its wand and a pinch of fairy dust!” - Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Description

Fish with Attitude - Magical Trait

Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Baby

Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Adult

Release Date: June 8th 2012
Breeding Time: 20 Hours
Egg Hatch Time: 20 Hours
Buying Price: 1217pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Magical
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Breeding guide

The Fairy fish is an ultra rare fish. It’s breeding process is using a popstar and rockstar or a  model fish and ninja fish (From contributors).

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once. Players have reported that breeding Astronaut with Model fish will give you a chance at breeding the Fairy Fish in Fish with Attitude.

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will rise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2
Level 3

Fish with Attitude: Fairy Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Fairy Fish Adult
    • Will

      How do you get fairy? HOW DO YOU GET ANGEL? How do you get unicorn? I ALWAYS GET WEREWOLF OR GREEDY! I really need help. Please help. And please help me with devil too. I cannot get any of these fish! Please help if you know the answer please help me!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Brelynn

        Hi Will,

        I am trying so hard to get the werewolf fish, but keep getting fairy fish. What does the egg look like for werewolf?


        • josh

          The werewolf egg looks like a brownish black diamond

      • Emma

        Hi, i have fish with attitude and im on level 11 and i really want some new fish. What two fish do you breed to get greedy and werewolf

      • someone

        for unicorn try model and deseiner. fairy keep trying model and ninga.i took about 30 times for it.angel is fairy and unicorn.

      • Taylor

        It’s a black diamond

    • Olivia

      On my first try I bred the fairy fish using the model fish and astronaut fish… Thanks Samantha Bell 

      • Fish with attitude Better Expert

        Hello, Will. I found out that To get the Fairy, POPSTAR and a ROCKSTAR!
        FOR THE FAIRY.
        hope this helps you. :)

    • a person

      HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!!!!

      :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    • Sillylilly

      I just hatched model and pirate (rare) and i got a diamond egg that was sort of purplesh voiletesh i came here in hopes of finding if its a fairy……… Any help???!!!

      • Chingchong

        You got a vampire fish lol

      • fishydishy

        yeah that’s fairy fish! happy fishig

      • fishydishy

        yeah you’ve got a fairy fish well done

    • Awesome

      I think I bred the fairy fish!! I used the popstar and the rockstar fish and the breeding time is 20 hours!! THANKS GAMETEEP!!!!!

  • Bailey

    I Have just found out how to get the yeti fish!!!!! You have to breed a vampire fish with a unicorn unlock it at lv 201 and it costs 22240 pearls in store. It takes 48 hours to lay and 24 hours to hatch.good luck gamers!

    • a person


      • Zarin

        Who is Baley

      • Fish with attitude Better Better Expert

        Ya, Just like someone said there was a,
        broccoli fish O_o
        Yeti, Broccoli? come on!

      • me

        Shut up a person. Will is like in the ten thousands with his level.

  • Stephanie

    Can anyone tell me how to get the designer fish?

    • Addyassymoo

      I bred my designer with a nerdy fish and a nice fish.

    • jjames

      I got mine breeding nerdy and creative >.< You need the creative trait to make one, the nice trait is not required. Nerdy and nice breed secret agent fish ^^

    • Suzanne

      I got it with model and nerdy

  • Epic

    I bred the angel fish with a rock star fish and a pop star fish. It’a egg is a diamond shaped egg.

    • Suzanne

      I did it with the moviestar and rockstar fish

  • Addyassymoo

    How long was the breeding and hatching time???

    • Will

      I got the goddiss fish! You unlock it at level 25430 and it costs 657,123,080 pearls in the store! it takes 80 hours to breed and 160 hours to hatch! you breed galaxy and rare diamond. You can’y use regular diamond. It won’t work.

      • me

        How are u on that level?! That is like super awesomely amazing!!! How long have u been playing??? Like 10,000,000 years?

  • Epic

    Sorry fairy fish

    • Katie Brugmans

      Just wondering what colour was the egg please?

      • Danielle

        Can anyone help me out as to how I can get neighbors in this game? My daughter and I have been playing…WE LOVE IT….but need more neighbors. Any help would be GREAT!!

        • Katie Brugmans

          The only way I know how to get neighbors is if your friends with them on Facebook. There is a “fish with attitude” page, maybe you can make friends in there….

          • Will

            How do you get angel?

            • Will

              How do you get angle?!

            • Christian Tobon

              Fairy and unicorn

            • me

              Or unicorn and werewolf

      • Christian Tobon


    • Sammi

      I got the fairy fish by breeding model fish and astronort fish together and it took a total of 19 and a half hours breeding and incubation :) on the third go :) hope it helps!

    • Shalotte

      I have just got the fairy fish from breeding the pop star and the rock star fish I hope this can help!

    • Cookie

      I just breed a pop star with a rock star it takes 19 hours dose any one know what it’s is and i have a fairy fish but every time I breed it with something it makes an artist?

    • Sienna

      I got fairy fish by breeding popstar fish amd cowboy!!!!

    • Awesome

      What egg is square and blackish grey and has a lightning bolt through it?!?!

      • Phoebe

        Mad scientist fish

    • Maryam

      What egg is diamond and black I beg you I asked on another page please helpA

      • Will

        That’s a werewolf!

        • Addie

          I think it’s vampire actually

    • Roo

      I think you may have a ghost fish from that egg…

    • Lilly

      Btw Stephanie you get the designer fish by breeding a dancer and artist fish!got it on my 2nd try hope this helps!!!:)

    • Lauren

      I did the cowboy with movie star what could it be???

    • Alexis

      What does the movie star fish and the secret agent fish make?????????????????????????????

    • Kris

      Uhh Dudes I bred the Astronaut fish and the model I hopes of getting a werewolf and I got a fairy :/ anyone got any idea why?

    • SelmA

      You can breed a fairy fish if you breeding the moviestar and the ninja fish :)

    • Suzanne

      I bred the rockstar and moviestar together. It’s a twenty hour wait but I don’t want a unicorns fish as I already have one. Will it be a fairy fish?

    • Alex

      Wht would I get if I bred the model and rockstar fish?

    • Alex

      Ps it has a 20 hour wait

    • Tiffany

      Confirmed fishes for fairy: ninja and model fish worked on first attempt. Good luck

    • Patricia

      [email protected]

      Can someone be my neighbour!!!

    • FishyGirl

      I just breeded a designer fish and a ninga fish the breeding time is 20 hours anyone know what it could be

    • Stranger

      I just tried breeding an astronaut fish and a model fish and got 20 hours for the breeding time on my first try :D. My fishes werent even ecstatic, they were just happy.

    • Nyema

      The egg looks like a diomand that’s like a crystle look

    • Nyema

      The egg looks like a diomand on its side that’s like a crystle

    • Kate15858

      I just bred the popstar and pirate fish, and it is taking twenty hours. Any idea what it might be?

    • Kate15858

      Is it maybe the fairy fish????

      • Addie

        That’s either a vampire or werewolf I can’t remember :/

    • Jack

      I got it on my first try it is model and ninja hope this helps

    • Jack

      Sorry i got the werewolf fish

    • Will

      I’m so mad! I can’t get fairy! I keep getting werewolf!

    • Lovelyfish746

      Epic that is a fairy fish

    • Dana

      Ok so I got this square white egg and I don’t know what it is. I have all magical fish unicorn,werewolf, vampire and fairy. So Jess wondering what it could be. Anybody know?

      • Harry’s_Curls

        Maybe an angelfish. Or a unicorn fish.

        • Coolfish037

          Unicorn is rainbow

    • Harry’s_Curls

      I did popstar and rockstar and got a 20 hour breeding time ;)

    • Hannah

      I did movie star and rock star and the breeding time is 20 hours any idea what it is?

    • Olivia

      Aaaaahhhhhh!! I can not breed the fairy fish!!! All I get is a werewolf fish!! Does anybody have suggestions? Please help! Should I try the popstar fish and rockstar fish?

      • kencana

        try pop star and rockstar

    • Angie

      I got a really weird purple and square egg and I used a rock star fish and pirate fish for it. Wat could it be?

      • Bloggergirl

        Its a vampire fish(if its dark purple)

    • Amalia

      I got it hopping for werewolf I used astronaut and model?

    • Hi

      I breed a astronaut and a model breeding time is 20 hour anybody know what it is

      • andikencana


    • Jay cop

      I used the combo rockstar and popstar and got a fairy on first try idk why people complain the combo doesn’t work it really does work

      • Jordan

        I tried the rockstar and popstar all I get is the astranut

    • Hotmess

      I did movie star and rockstar it’s 20 hours any idea what it is

      • kencana

        hmmmmm i dont know

      • Mooimafish

        It’s the unicorn fish

    • Kk

      I did ninja and model fish and got fairy on first try

    • brianna

      i trying to get the galxy fish

    • Jordan

      Anybody now how to get the fairy I tried the combo of rockstar and popstar all I get is the astranut

    • a person

      does any one no EXACTLY what it is!?!?!?

    • Jaylynn

      I got this fish on my FIRST TRY WITH MODEL AND astronaut I also got a vampire with astronaut and pirate FIRST TRY 36HOURS

    • flowerpower5111

      hi i had one breeding i finished it and now im doing popstar rockstar

    • summercherries

      got this with a rockstar and popster fish on the third try!

    • unicorn

      for those of you getting the werewolf fish every time, this page has the model and ninja as a breeding guide, however, further down the page, there is another combination: model + astronaut. this breeding combination I think will give you the fairy fish. I just bred the ninja and model, and I am on hatching time of 20 hours. I am getting the werewolf.


    • Deedee715

      Who does the ninja and Popstar get you mine is takin 20 hours

    • GalaxyFishGuy

      I bred movie star and rock star and got 20 hours and I also bred pirate and designer and got 20 hours I am so exicited on what ill get :) :)

    • Mia

      I got it with asternot and smart fish

    • Hannah

      I bred movie star and rockstar

    • Tifa

      I bred a Model fish & Astronaut fish trying to get a werewolf fish but ended up getting a fairy fish first. They fairy egg is a sparkly diamond, 20 hrs breeding & 20 hrs hatching.
      Now i have a dark grey diamond with a lighting strike thru the middle…? well see what it is :D

    • Roxxyboo195

      I got fairy with moviestar and rock star 0_o

    • Roxxyboo195

      Diamond with lightning bolt through the middle is werewolf

    • Bub

      I bred the fairy fish with designer and movie star fish and it worked on first try

    • Amy

      Just breed Model Fish and Ninja Fish and it’s breeding time is 20 hours! I hope its Fairy Fish!! Would be cool if i got it on the first go! time will tell!

    • Addie

      I actually got the angel werewolf fairy unicorn and diamond fish by accident! I got luuuuuccckkyyy

      • Fish with attitude Better Expert

        Yes you did! What fish did you all use? LOL
        please comment back!
        I need all that you said! (the fish)

    • Hozhun

      I got it for the 3rd try using popstar and rockstar, both of them doesn’t need to be ecstatic. The breeding time will be approximately 20 hours.

    • Girl

      I got it with astronaut and model trying to get werewolf yay!!

    • Roo

      Trying to get werewolf fish…
      And I’m not sure what to use I tried model and astronaut and I just got fairy…

    • Fish with attitude Better Better Expert

      getting the fairy right now,
      thats what it is right now, 6:17 :)
      her original was 20:00:00.
      aka 20 hours :) and i just got on fwa to post a comment. so, ya, thank you. :)

    • Lol

      Got it

    • Svengali

      Wow I think I just got it on first try just bread my rockstar and pop star together and have 20h to wait and see !

    • Lol

      Witch fish is purple with white dots

    • Lol

      What fish’s egg is purple with white dots

    • Alana

      Hey,I try to get fairy fish but I keep getting WEREWOLF fish!