Fish with Attitude: Showgirl Fish


The Showgirl Fish was released to Fish with Attitude players on July 22, 2013. It features a fish that looks like an artistic fish available to celebrate the Band event. It looks like a fish that loves to show off her beautiful fashion!

“This Cool fish once dreamt of being a Model before she got into show business!” - Fish with Attitude: Showgirl Fish Description

 fish with attitude limited edition trait

Fish with Attitude Showgirl Fish

Release Date: July 22, 2013

Duration: 15 Days
Limited Edition
Breeding Time: 8 Hours
Hatch Time: 4 Hours
Buying Price: 349pearl
Selling Price:775 Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Special

ToyNeon Sign

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.5/5 (4 votes cast)

Fish with Attitude: Showgirl Fish Key Feature

  • Limited edition fish
  • 16 Days limited edition
  • Special Event: Showgirl Fish
  • Definitely a must have fish for your tank!

Fish with Attitude: Showgirl Fish Breeding guide

The breeding combination is currently unknown or not confirmed please comment below if you know.

Players have confirmed that breeding the Cool Fish and the Model Fish   will give you the Showgirl Fish. This combination was suggested by the developers and it has been proven to be successful.

Please do not try to use other combinations as it may not give you this limited edition fish.

The breeding is 8 hours when using your breeding tank. Once the breeding has been completed, the egg hatching time is only 4 hours.

Fish with Attitude: Showgirl Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Showgirl Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1  5/minute 3450Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 2  6/minute 4465Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 3  7/minute 5515Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 4

Fish with Attitude: Showgirl Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Showgirl Fish egg  Fish with Attitude Showgirl Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Showgirl Fish

Confirmation Video

  • Heather

    I’ve tried this SEVERAL times. About TEN TIMES. I still don’t have the showgirl fish

  • Anomynous

    Keep triying! I got it in about 5 times. It does take a while! But in those 5 times I got an angel fish! I’m so happy!

  • Lili

    Yeah, you’re right! @Heather, just keep trying you’ll get it! I know that this ite is always helpful! So try your best!

  • Lili

    I got it!

  • Poohiepoop

    Hey nobody plays Fiah with the attitude anymore!

  • Lisa

    How do you know who plays what? And if you dont play it then why are you looking at this? also.. some people do still play fish with attitude, and I find this page very helpful! Continue with the good work Gameteep!

  • Lisa

    And after a while if you put model on the right and cool on the left, you get it, I just did

  • Robyn

    I have tried breeding this at least 40 times between two different devices and I still don’t have it! I am getting tired of wasting my time as this same scenario happens more often than not! I am getting very bored and discouraged with this game!

    • person

      I agree. I’ve tried for this fish at least 2 dozen times now and i keep getting 6 hour presidents. They say that it’s random but i find that hard to believe. I also refuse to spend hundreds of real dollars on pearls to buy a digital picture of a fictional fish species. Not to say that i don’t enjoy the game, though it’s not really a “game.” But after trying so many times, you should automatically get the fish you’re trying for. Especially considering the money they make off of the countless annoying and very strategically placed advertisements.

      • Robyn

        I agree! I do not spend real money ever on any of these games! You would think they would want you to get the fun fish to make cool tanks – they really just want your money like anything else. It’s too bad! I really am losing total interest in this app!

        • Maggie

          I Know! Its stupid and its not happening. I tried to get this fish, failing, but getting about 30 nice fish, 12 mean fish, and 5 angel fish! Im happy with the angel fish but the nice fish and mean fish drove me apsoloutely mad!

  • Dawn

    I’ve been breeding the Cool fish and Model fish over 20 times now and still can’t get the Showgirl fish! What gives?? I even made both fish ecstatic to see if that helped…it had not! If anyone knows the real trick to breeding these fish please indulge me!!!! I’ve been trying to get this fish since it became available and it’s only available for a few more days! Grrr CrowdStar!

  • Ammar

    I think it’s gonna work for my bro