Fish with Attitude: Tough Fish


The tough fish is an orange fish with the traits of being brave and mean. This tough fish is not to be confused with other orange fishes so keep in mind there is a hook attached to his tail. As you may know the tough fish represents Red/Gray making him truly a mean and brave fish. If you want to breed a tough fish then you must use the trait for the tough fish to breed his tough egg – which is orange.

“Solid as a rock, this fish has been around the block a few times and has the scars to prove it. It may look scary, but don’t worry – this is one fish who’s got your back” - Fish with Attitude: Tough Fish Description



Fish with Attitude Mean TraitFish with Attitude Brave Fish trait
Fish with Attitude Tough Fish Adult

Release Date: Original

Breeding Time: 5 mins

Egg Hatch Time: 5 mins
Buying Price: 49pearl
Selling Price: -Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Brave, Mean
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Tough Fish Breeding guide

The Tough fish is a common fish that has the trait Mean and Brave. This means it is a gray/red fish respectively. If you want to breed the Tough fish then you must use a Mean and Brave Trait within your breeding process to get the Tough fish for your tank.

Fish with Attitude: Tough Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Tough Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 3/Minute
Level 2  4/Minute
Level 3  5/Minute

Fish with Attitude: Tough Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Tough Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Tough Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • breeding guide for fish with attitude
  • how to breed a tough fish
  • how to breed fish on fish with attitude
  • how do you breed fish in fish with attitude
  • fish with attitude tough fish
  • how to breed a tough fish on fish with attitude
  • how to get tough fish on fish with attitude
  • fish with attitude how to breed a tough fish
  • how do you get a tough fish on fish with attitude
  • fish with attitude how to breed fish
  • fish with attitude full breeding guide
  • fish with attitude breeding guide tough fish
  • little aquarium how to breed tough fish
  • how to breed tough fish little aquarium
  • what is a type of fish come out of a gray egg in fish with attitude

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