Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish


The Toy Fish was released to Fish with Attitude players on September 7 2012 as part of a special limited edition fish for your Fish with Attitude tanks. This was released days after the Turtle Event expired. This fish has its own “Special” trait, just like normal Limited Edition fishes in Fish with Attitude and the creator hints that there is a special requirement to obtaining this fish.

The Toy Fish is definitely a joyful fish to see in your tank and is definitely highly sought after by top breeders. You can purchase the Toy Fish in the market for a low price of 453 pearls and have it swim in your Fish with Attitude tank like no other. It will pair nicely with other fishes and is definitely cool to have since it’s a limited edition fish.

” Why not clown around with this funny limited-edition fish, and get him in your tank before September 19th!” - Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish Description

 fish with attitude limited edition trait

Fish with Attitude Toy Fish Icon

Event: Limited Edition
End Time: Sept 19 2012
Release Date: Sept 7 2012
Breeding Time: 8 Hours
Egg Hatch Time: 4 Hours
Buying Price: 453pearl
Selling Price:775 Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Special

Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish Key Feature

  • Funny looking fish
  • Extremely colorful
  • Definitely a must have fish for your tank!

Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish Breeding guide

The Toy fish is an special fish and is expected to be rare to breed. It is hinted by the game creators that the fish will use a Funny Fish and a Clown Fish. Gameteep members and players will try to confirm the combination to ensure that you save time and get the correct breeding combination. The combination suggested above is unconfirmed.

Will update soon.

Players have confirmed that breeding the Funny Fish and the Clown Fish will give you the Toy Fish. This combination was suggested by the developers and it has been proven to be successful. Please do not try to use other combinations as it may not give you this limited edition fish.

The breeding is 8 hours when using your breeding tank. Once the breeding has been completed, the egg hatching time is only 4 hours.

Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1  5/minute Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 2  6/minute 4465Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 3  7/minute 5515Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 4

Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Toy Fish Egg  Fish with Attitude Toy Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Toy Fish Adult

Fish with Attitude: Toy Fish Breeding Video

    • Yolanda

      I also breeded the clown and funny fish and on the first try it says 8 hours!

      • Katie Brugmans

        It took heaps of tries for me too but looks like I finally have it (it’s 8hrs so fingers crossed). Don’t give up, you will get it soon ;)

    • Rachael McClure

      I got a 10 hour breeding time. Guess I’m getting another Astronaut…

    • Ummm helloooo

      Would i get an independence fish if I bred the toy fish and the game fish?

    • Arlyn

      Am waiting on an 8 hour breeding time! Here’s hoping :) If this is the Toy Fish, it took me 4 tries.

    • Crazy4jml

      So.. Several tries, no Toy fish but I did get a ultra rare smart fish that took 6 hours to breed… Now have a 10 hour one, between those, i was able to breed a few simple common fish and the movie star fish. For all but one I am putting the funny fish in first, does it matter what order you put them in?

      • Kaaayllla

        I have been looking into this “ultra rare fish” thing and I have a question, does ur ultra rare fish have a new trait, or does it still have the smart trait?

        • Crazy4jml

          It looks different,and pays more to sale, now I have made 4 rare fish combos all very cool, but no toyfish. Funny + clown in my tank = everything but toy fish… Followed everything put on this forum, no luck! I will keep trying.

          • William

            My ipods smashed into pieces :(

          • William

            Gayb ;)

    • Stranger

      I got the toy fish on the second try. When i finally got the games fish, it took many, many tries and several days later i finally got it.

      • William

        I got galaxy fish

    • Lauria Fave

      Guys, every single limited time fish has their breeding combination
      In their description! For example, I got the Olympic fish
      by finding two fish names hidden in the description where it
      said “cool adventure”. (these combinations may
      Not work for everyone due to the moods of your fish, and,
      the Olympic fish is no longer available.)

    • Patricia

      I Just Bred This Fish!!

    • Merxbear

      Confirmed after 8 tries finally got it!

    • Kaaayllla

      Ok so after unsuccessfully breeding this(think I tried 10 times) I decided to make bothe fish estatic. Turns out the first time they were both estatic it worked! I now have a toy fish and it’s so cute!! Good luck breeding gamers!! :)

    • Jojo40955

      Yay, I just got it !

    • Yoyo

      I haven’t got it still! I tried at least 50 times, (no joke) , is there any more combinations? If not, why can’t I get the dang fish!!!!!

    • sophie

      i tried 2 times and got it. It works Funny fish and Clown fish.

    • ashley

      thx! i have been so sad that i havent got this fish yet. hopefully i will get it soon because theres only 8 more days left! i will be so sad if i dont get this fish. :( but ill keep trying :)

    • ashley

      and how do u make my fish extatic? i need help on that ill comment witch fish they like and stuff. their breeding right now. but ya… bye

      • William


    • ashley

      funny likes moviestar and dislikes adventure and i dont have moviestar… clown likes gossip dislikes tough… any help?

      • Crazy4jml

        After days of no luck, a whole bunch of quirky rare fish, I still have not gotten the toy fish… Sigh…

      • Crazy4jml

        I just got a rare fish with a selling price of 9000! Oh geeze… I need a new tank, still mo toy fish!

      • Crazy4jml

        Still no toy, both fish estatic, using clown and funny, tried putting one in first over the other and for days, no toy fish….

      • Crazy4jml

        Uh, hold the press! I just had a eight hour fish breed! Fingers crossed!

      • Crazy4jml

        YES! After a week, I have a toy fish!,

      • William


        • Harry potter

          Yay, just got it using fairy and dreamy fish:)

        • Jojo40955

          Fairy and dreamy dont work , i just tried

        • Yoyo

          I’ve been trying everyday as much as I possibly can since the toy fish came out and I still can’t get it! My funny fish is ecstatic but my clown isn’t. Should I try making my clown ecstatic? I’ve been really mad because I either get ten hours for astronaut or pop star, or six hours for artist. Help me get this dang fish please!

        • Noeemigirl

          I tried it but I got an artist fish

        • Jojo40955

          Just keep using clown and funny , you should get it . Keep trying

        • Zara

          OMG after a week I got 8 hours plz cross ur fingers I’ll let u know if it works ps try today since its the last day both ecstatic and do funny in left and clown on right!

        • Samantha

          After like 15 tries and a lot of pearls i finally got it :) yaaaay! And a rare astronaut fish :D

        • Lola

          Ahhhhhhhh!!! I bred the clown and funny fish and I have an 8 hr breeding time, but there’s only 4 hrs to get the fish, will it go away??? I hope not, I wish I thought sooner to try, this is my first try

          • Lola gold

            Eeeeekkkk, I am soooo nervous

        • Lola gold

          I got it…. :) it didn’t delete

        • Deckcar

          I was wondering if this fish is still available? Has anyone else gotten it since sept. 21st? I really want it !!!

          • Alex

            Ya…….I wanna know 2….

            • Emily

              Me too i really want this fish but i just started playing on saturday i have about 20 unique fish i want this one really badly