Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish


The Unicorn fish in Little aquarium is an ultra rare fish that was released on June 8th 2012 by the game creators. The Unicorn fish has a magical status and cost 1217 pearls for purchase. As you can tell from it’s horn that this unicorn fish is one of the most amazing fish to have and it is like all magical fish, difficult to breed as well.

“Majestic beauties of the deep, unicorn seahorses are magical and mysterious addition to any tank. They love a frolic in the sunlight and rainbows follow in their wake.” - Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Description

Fish with Attitude - Magical Trait

Fish with Attitude Unicorn Fish Adult

Release Date: June 8th 2012

Breeding Time: 20 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 20 hours
Buying Price: 1217pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Magical
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Breeding guide

The Unicorn fish is an ultra rare fish. It’s breeding process is contributed by Noah, it is suggested that you use the Designer Fish and the Model Fish for a chance to get the Unicorn fish.

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will rise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 6/Minute
Level 2  7
Level 3  8

Fish with Attitude: Unicorn Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Unicorn Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Unicorn Fish Adult
    • Amalia

      I’m still waiting for my designer fish to hatch so how do you get unicorn fish on lev 19? Can you guy reverend me something to give me at least a chance for unicorn fish cos I found my designer fish likes unicorn fish she is not ecstatic it’s impossible cos you need a ecstatic fish to get a rare fish and I can’t get designer ecstatic if I don’t have unicorn fish and I’m trying to breed unicorn fish . Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Sillylilly

        I got my vampire and werewolf with pleased fish (2 tries on werewolf) (1 try on vampire) :D

        • Sillylilly

          Ah also unicorn.
          I just got it yesterday with pleased designer and pleased model ;)

          • a friend is over

            Same here!!! Also, HOW DO YOU BREED THE VAMPIRE?!?!?!?!?!

          • someone

            I breed cowboy and astronaut and got Vamipre

      • rainbo

        u do not need estatic fish i breed with a normal deseinre and model fish one my 1 try

    • Amalia

      I payed 10 pearls soi could have my designer fish done and strait away 20 houres unicorn fish wow

      • marlana

        how do you get the unicorn fish? I have used both suggested fish and got nothing

        • Sara

          In order to get any fish it takes multiple tries. Since I am breeding something else at the moment I have not tried this fish yet but my vampire fish took seventeen tries, so just keep at it. Also, you have to make sure that your fish meet the happiness requirements (Pleased or above.) I hope this helped!

        • Amber

          I got unicorn by using pop star and model. Really works!

    • Amalia

      So happy ya

      • amalia

        my breeding is gonna finish at 3 tomorrow after noon and then on saturday it will be finished hatching
        and then i will have a rare fish
        good luke

    • Amalia

      I’ve got unicorn fish well she is. A egg and it well big if you go on to Facebook and tipe in Amalia dipane you’ll find it

  • JJ

    Thanks for this. And FYI, I believe the Breeding Time is 20 hours.

      • Julielong464

        I used a model fish and a movie star fish and I think I have a unicorn fish. But the breeding time is 30 hours and the egg is diamond and rainbow. Now I’m not so sure. Any suggestions?

        • Suzanne

          I used moviestar and model

        • Brady


        • Abbie

          Your rainbow egg is a fairy fish I had it it is diamond snapped
          Good luck!!!!!!!-lots of luck

        • Roxxyboo195

          I know how to get fairy fish without esastic fish just use movie star fish and rockstar fish good luck for anyone who tries!!!

      • Christian Tobon

        I used model and popstar

        • me

          Hey Christian that really works I tried it and got 20 hour breeding time and then I got off the game and when I got back on it didn’t save it so I tried again and it gave me 20 hours again wow this combination really works.

  • Cookie

    How do u make a unicorn on level 18

    • hi luau

      you see, you have to be at its LEVEL, and it to be in your shop, then you can breed the level requirements. REMEMBER!!!!!! IT HAS TO BE IN YOUR STORE, (THE SHOP) FOR YOU CAN GET IT AND BREED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      one more thing, on this page i can’t see the level requirement, not showing it.

    • andikencana

      I think

      • Amalia

        I really. Need the designer fish

        • andikencana

          I breed designer and model so I don’t have unicorns

  • Breed master

    I got the vampire fish in 1 try, Fairy in 2 tries , and unicorn in 1 try ( I got the vampire be breeding random fish XD )

    • Abby

      Me to XD

    • Sara

      So did I sort of I was trying to get galactial so then I breeded Astronaut fish and Ninja fish together and the gave me a Vampire. It was so awesome.

    • Amalia

      How did you do that smile face?

      • Christian Tobon

        : and ) put together :)

  • Bon

    I bred a cool fish and adventure fish and got a tan egg with stripes. What is it?

    • Sienna

      Hobo fiIis hobo fish

    • Ethan

      Cool and Adventure makes Games fish I think

      • Julielong464

        That would be a robber fish. I got two of them trying to breed the games fish. I finally got the games fish on like my 10th try.

    • Omar

      That’s a independents fisj

  • Michael

    How do you breed a galaxy fish

    • Erin

      Ruby and diamond fish

      • William

        The should be ecstatic

        • Sara

          But how do you get the ruby and diamond fish????????

    • yaz

      i am not sure sorry by the way i have all the fishes

    • FWAPro

      Ruby and Diamond fish. To get these get rare angel. Need to be ecstatic

      • Coolwand102(type my name in google)

        I though the combination of angel fish is pop star fish and rockstar fish and how do we get ruby or diamond fish is it limited?

    • Anna

      Vampire and fairy! (duh!)

    • Madisyn

      I’m breeding a Popstar and movie star fish and it’s taking 20 hours. What would this be?

      • Suzanne

        Any magical fish

      • Ainsley

        It’s a fairy or unicorn

    • Ainsley

      I’m about to get the fairy fish and have vampire fish if I breed those would I get unicorn fish?

    • Lilly

      Ainsley if your trying to get the unicorn fish first try the reccomended combo because I got this fish first try by breeding the reccomended combo so try model and designer three or four times and then try another combination
      Hope you get that unicorn fish soon Ainsley!
      Good luck!!!!!

      • Ainsley

        Thanks now all I need is model fish which I sold pretty fish I might have to keep trying to get pretty fish

    • Alex

      I bred a model and rockstar fish and it’s taking 20 hours….what can it be?

      • Alex

        Got a fairy!!! :) rockstar and model works!

    • Patricia

      Thank you it works!!!
      F.Y.I Or P.S Model-Moviestar Fish

    • Tiffany

      Unicorn fish on first try with designer and model fishes.

    • Morgan

      I bred the ninja and the pop star fish and I got a diamond egg and it is sorta a rainbow, is that a fairy or unicorn?

    • Morgan

      By the way, anyone know how to breed the clown fish? I know it is a silly question but I keep trying to breed the nice and creative and it won’t work. I tried it 6 times and I keep getting the nice fish. What should I do?
      P.S anyone also know how to breed any special fish, besides fairy. Like angel, galaxy, vampire ect.

      • Leon

        The creators must have beefed up the breeding rate so you need to keep breeding because there are advertisements when you press the breed button now.

      • Leon

        The breeding of the other fish are on the main page, scroll to the top press main page and follow the links.

    • Morgan

      Thank you Leon :)

    • Morgan

      Ugh! I updated the new fish with attitude and it just keeps loading! I have to wait a long time. PEOPLE DON’T UPTATE THE NEW GAME!

    • Morgan

      I bred the cowboy and the ninja fish what could it be? I checked the breeding guide and there are no fish listed with those two fish. It took 10 hours. I got the fairy fish! Will I get another special fish if I bred the fairy and the cowboy? Just wanna know.

    • Sarah

      It might be a hobo fish Morgan, but I doubt it will be any special fish cuz it normally takes 20 hours for it to breed.

    • Morgan

      I am trying to figure out what egg I got for the ninja and cowboy and they are ready to lay the egg,but my fairy fish is still growing in the sea shell so I can’t really lay the egg. My second breeding tank is still locked. :(

    • Lily

      Morgan is my sister and she is in love with fish with attitude. Sorry people, she will ask tons of questions. She is hyper and curious for a 10 year old. Is this comment place okay for 10 year olds? I watch her so I hope it is okay?

      • hi luau

        it should be. just watch her to make sure she isn’t saying bad comments.

    • Maya

      Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! The new fish with attitude isn’t working! The new update is blah! I can’t even buy the hippie fish. I have enough money but every single time I click buy I just get logged off! This is on my IPad. Grr

    • Gg5


    • Jack

      Ou have to be in t he same tank that you are going to put it in maya

    • Olivia

      Awesome, I have a unicorn egg that is a diamond shape and rainbow. I used the model fish and designer fish!! 

    • Urszula

      OMGG I got it Soo happy!

    • Alyssa Valentine

      At what level does the ruby and diamond fish come out and how do u breed the designer fish

      • Amalia

        I breed designer fish though shy and artist fist time

      • amalia

        to breed designer fish i used estatic shy and estatic artist fish

    • Amalia

      I have got designer nerly fineshed breeding
      But I all ready have model fish then I can have unicorn fish

    • Amalia


    • Langdu7

      I have two unicorn by rare movie star and designer combined

      • andikencana

        You know to get fish unicorns

    • andikencana

      I have rare unicorns . I breed designer and movie star so you wanna rare fish it you breed estatic designer and movie good lucky

    • Linnuz

      Sweet……I want a unicorn soooooooo badly. I try but I never get it

    • Linnuz

      Just help meeeeee

    • Linnuz

      Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy I am sooooo happpppppyyyyyy I got it. Sweet . Well I think I got it. It’s breeding model and designer. Swwwwweeeeettttt. It’s 20 hours I think I got it. I will update you with more updates!!! Now I am up to getting a angel fish this close.

    • Linnuz

      Hey u guys I got it now you will see me talking at the rare angel fish page. I am so Awsome thanks you guys

    • Linnuz

      It actually cool when it grows up. Now I am heading for vampire fish whoo hoo

    • P Dizzle

      I bred designer and model, no unicorn fish for me. Any other combos?

    • Truth❤

      Hey guys, ive tried the model and designer combination a number of times but i just cant get the unicorn fish!! has anyone else got any other successful other combinations that work? Thanks x

    • Alex

      How go u get the vampire

    • Kathleen

      I used an ecstatic model fish and an ecstatic designer fish I had to breed over and over BUT I got a rare unicorn fish! Just keep trying it does work!

    • Jordan

      Unicorn Vampire Werewolf GALAXY

    • Jordan

      I either got fairy fish or unicorn thing but I did rock star and model what is that?

    • Flower power

      I have unicorn fish :)

    • Flower power

      Unicorn fish is unhappy :(

    • Flower power

      Just kidding I don’t have unicorn but I want to plz help plz :(

      • Christian Tobon

        Try popstar fish and model fish or model fish and movies tar fish
        Trust me it will work

        P.s to get fairy fish you need popstar fish and rockstar fish

        P.s.s to get angel fish you need fairy fish and unicorn fish but it takes ages
        I’ve tried for three days but nothing so far but it will work

    • Flower power

      Fish with attitude rules :)

    • Flower power

      We love fish with attitude :~)

    • Flower power

      I heard that mi friend got it by droning movie star and model and I got it aswell like that so good luck on getting it it has been comfirmed by me!

    • Flower power
    • Flower power

      I need designer does any one know what 20 hours breed and if its werewolf again I’m gonna scream because I want unicorn if u go on youtube u will see a link to how to get all the rare fishes for FREE so remember to look it up on youtube and if I get unicorn I’m gonna thank games dream so much! :D

    • Flower power

      :-( :B :!?

    • Flower power

      :p I got it suckers!!

    • Tracy

      I really need a successfull combination!

    • truepup love

      I need her

    • I love dogs

      No I need her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • smarty sonic


    • smarty sonic

      secret agent +rockstar=model

      • a friend is over

        I got a model with a nerdy fish and a creative fish.

    • Sidney’s

      I NEED HELP!!! :)

    • Lola

      EVERYBODY I got unicorn on my 1st TRY with DESIGNER AND POPSTAR SO if u wanna get unicorn I REALLY RECOMMEND THIS!!!!!

    • Lola


    • Maya

      I think you should try designer and popstar thanks Lola

    • gaializ

      Please tell me that its designer and popstar because tomorrow I’m gonna breed a fairy fish and then a unicorn fish so then I can finally breed an angel fish its still gonna be kinda hard because I’m only 10 years old so I have school on Monday Tuesday and well you get my point but I also live in Puerto Rico so tomorrow and until Wednesday I have some important tests called PPAAs (that are required by the government) so. I wish the weekend was longer! If you have anything to say please reply!

      • a friend is over

        I got the unicorn with a model and a designer. I also got the fairy fish with the model and the pirate. Hoe this helps!!!

    • a friend is over

      I just bred the designer fish on the left side and the model fish on the right side and breeding time is 20 hours. Could it be the unicorn? Please let me know if this is!!!!!!!!!!

    • a friend is over

      OMG!!!!! I just got the unicorn fish….. I’M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!

    • a friend is over

      P.S. I used the designer and the model.

      Also, to get the werewolf, use the model fish, and the pirate fish.
      Hope this helps!

      • a friend is over

        Sorry, when I said I got the werewolf fish with the model and the pirate, it was actually the fairy. Sorry again!

    • Roxxyboo195

      My friend said its also pop star and astronaut

    • Roxxyboo195

      I kno a way 4 fairy that don’t require ecstatic fish just use movie star fish and rock star fish

      • a friend is over

        I used model and pirate……

    • Roxxyboo195

      That I taught myself

    • StarwarsRULES

      I bred movie star and rock star and got a 20 hour breeding. It’s now got a 20 hour egg hatch time and the egg is dark silver, not rainbow so it’s not the unicorn fish I thought it would be. It’s also diamond shaped. what is it????

      • Lol

        It might be a ghost egg

    • noname4u

      I want this fish so bad but I accidently sold my model and no matter how many times I breed nerd and creative it doesn’t give me desighner

      • Noni Santos

        Because I didn’t breed a model fish I used an alternative designer fish and movie star fish always remember you dont have to listen to people try your own combinations

    • Lauren

      I got mine first try with model fish and movie star fish.

    • Abby

      I bred a Unicorn fish and a Mean fish, it’s taking 10 hours to breed and I don’t know how long to hatch. Do you guys know what it may be?

    • Rylie

      I bred two random fish (designer and model) the breeding time is 20 hrs XD I think I got a unicorn fish!! First try!! It will be my first rare fishy!!! :)

    • Andrew

      First try baby!! Thank you!!!

    • Hozhun

      If u want to get designer, try breeding dancer fish with smart fish or shy fish with artist fish. Of course it takes several times.
      Add me fb for android user : [email protected]

    • Lol

      You can use movie star with model or designer with model I use designer with model oh and The breeding time is 20 hr hatching time also 20 and another 20 hr for fish to grow up
      .The egg is rainbow coloured and is diamond shaped.

    • Lol

      What the hack I got a rare unicorn fish with that combination

    • Lol

      2 try than I got the unicorn fish lol this wired

    • Lol

      Still trying to get rock star fish I’m gonna breed the fairy fish and than breed unicorn fish with fairy fish to get angle fish

      Wow I can get 3 untral rare fish in a row,do re mi
      All if this is gonna take 8 days I think

    • Lol

      Thank you fish with attitude ur fishes rock

    • jayjay

      I got a 20 hr breeding time with the model and designer fish, they didn’t even have their favorite items and I’m on level 15 I also got the artist fish with the model and designer fish

    • Amber

      I got unicorn by using pop star and model!?

    • Violet

      I breed it with model and designer do I get a unicorn
      19hrs 59min

    • Indie

      Wow! Works perfectly. My mom tried it. Using fairy fish and unicorn fish to make an angel fish. Useful, Gameteeps. Thanks for words of wisdom.