Gun Bros 2 is an action-shooter game that’s the sequel to Gun Bros from Glu Games Inc. It takes place after the first T.O.O.L wars, also known as the Tyrannical Oppressors of Life in an unknown time. After many years, they have come back to finish the battle in this brand new adventure.
Back in action are agents Percy and Francis Gun from the Freakishly Rugged Advanced Genetic Galactic Enforcement Division [AKA, F.R.A.G.G.E.D] to defend the galaxy from another terrible invasion. Join Percy and Francis in this mission with brand new advanced weapons and armory to stop the threat from the T.O.O.L in an exciting new adventure.
App Name: Gun Bros 2
Seller: Glu Games Inc
Release Date:
Feb 20, 2013
Genre: Action Shooter
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5
Gamer Rating
Gun Bros 2 Gameplay
The gameplay in Gun Bros 2 is simple and easy to grasp. If you’re new to gaming, this game is definitely not hard to learn as there is really only two controls, one for you to move and the other to shoot. On the bottom left of the screen you’ll get the directional pad and on the bottom right of the screen is the shooting button you can hold.
The single player mode in the game is made on a stage basis, which means you’ll be battling waves of enemies on one stage and once you’ve beat the stage you’ll move on to the next. As you progress in the game you’ll be face with even more challenging enemies and some really big boss enemies in the game.
There are various modes in the game and one of the favorite between friends is to battle the T.O.O.L enemies with your friends in Game Center.
There is also a new Endless Mode!
The inventories of weapons, armor, and mods have never been as large. Choose from general weapons like pistols to a full-fledge weapon like rocket launchers to put enemies in their place. You’ll also find lasers and other type of weapons but the most important thing is to get MODS to enhance the weapons in your game.
That all being said you can see why this game is such a captivating game for new players. Most players will probably find the best feature of the game is probably the social feature and Brotherhood system where you really get to share and interact in your gameplay.
Gun Bros 2 Graphics
It’s hard to deny that a lot of effort had been placed into this game both creatively and graphically. Just the beginning intro of the game packed quite an interesting video that reminds TF players of Team Fortress.
The gameplay graphics for the game are crisp and has a 3D model type of feel. It definitely doesn’t look as flat as the original developer screenshots.
Gun Bros 2 Sounds
Everything seems to be in place and some of the music reminds you of certain titles like Mega Man’s stage select theme.
Gun Bros 2 Round-up
The overall appeal of the game is astounding. Most veteran players will probably find that the game is similar to other action shooter games that have similar gameplay. What makes Gun Bros 2 stand out isn’t the shooting aspect but playability.
Gun Bros 2 is jam-packed with awesome features that simply make the game more compelling as you dive further into the game. Each stage consists of different challenge and will certainly captivate players of the genre. The game features many different modes that will simply blow your minds away, if they don’t then the multi-player mode will certainly.
If you like quite action blasting games then this is definitely one game you don’t want to miss in your library of apps.
Bottom line: If you like action-packed shooting games then this is definitely the game for you.
Gun Bros 2 Screenshots
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