Jan 242014

Injustice: Gods Among Us mobile has made an update to the challenges available from now to Feb. 10 2014. Available from now until Feb 10 is the John Stewart Green Lantern Challenge for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch while Android players gets the mighty Red Son Deathstroke to obtain for a limited time.

Injustice Challenge John Stewart Green LAntern

John Stewart Green Lantern [iOS]

The John Stewart Green Lantern challenge is available for a limited time to iOS players and if you  play Injustice then you definitely want to beat this challenge and claim your prize for the ultimate Green Lantern skin/card. The card is the only Green Lantern card that has been ranked as a “Gold” card giving him stronger stats and greater health for players to battle with.

Red Son Deathstroke [Android]

Red Son Deathstroke is now available until Feb 10 on the Android operating system and is only available through completing the challenge in the game. You must complete all 5 of the challenge stages to be able to get the Red Son Deathstroke card and once you have beaten it you will be able to purchase Red Son Deathstroke in the shop. It will also be unlocked to infinity.

For either devices, if you do not beat the challenges you will not unlock the card into the shop. As a result once it expires the character will not be available in the shop.

  9 Responses to “Injustice: Gods Among Us – John Stewart Green Lantern Red Son Deathstroke Challenge”

  1. Hey i was wondering do you know how to earn challenge credits in the Injustice Gods Among Us mobile app? Pleasssssssseeeeeeeeeeee help me i need to unlock red son Deathstroke (if you have seen Teen Titans he is also known as Slade)[Wilson]

  2. U just have to complete some of the regular battles in the game or Said on another Way battle in the campain

  3. Just buy them with in game credits or play normal challenges and they will give you 1 or 2.

  4. Oh and I LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE Slade Wilson on Arrow as well the Titans.

  5. I think that bane from the dark knight rises should be a challenge character as well as poison ivy for valentines day and clayface, two-face , and mr. Freeze


  7. Who is the next character after John Stewart

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