Sep 252013

Injustice Gods Among Us for mobile devices makes a brand new update with version 1.6 that unleashes the amazing Killer Joke Joker into the game, also known as “The Killing Joke: The Joker” on the card.

Injustice Gods Among Us – Killer Joke Joker

This cool brand new card is now available in Injustice Gods Among Us players with iOS 6.0 and above. You can still update the game for players with iOS 6 and below players but you will not be able to access the Facebook feature with update 1.6. You will also not be able to access some important information that’s only available to those players.


Injustice Gods Among Us – The Killing Joke, The Joker

The Killer Joke Joker card can only be obtained through getting ALLIANCE CREDITs which are obtained through inviting new friends into Injustice Gods Among Us. You get 5 Alliance Credits for each friend you invite and once you’ve completed that you can purchase this card and many other special and unique cards.


Injustice Gods Among Us – Regime Raven Coming Soon

More news about the upcoming event includes the Regime Raven Challenge which is coming soon for a limited time. Please also take note that the upcoming challenges include Aquaman, Blackest Night Batman and soon to be released news about new characters


What’s New in Version 1.6

Invite your friends to join the game and collect special Alliance Points! Alliance Points enable you to unlock unique and exclusive support cards as well as Killer Joke Joker.
A whole new set of challenges are on the way, including Aquaman, Blackest Night Batman and more…

  • Ellie Castro

    I don’t have any friends for this game is there another way to get him

    • Zhen Wei

      Totally agree.

    • Lotario

      I dont have either.

    • Ibrahim

      Hay I am Ibrahim from India. Add me on Facebook & I will accept ur injustice g.o.u alliance credit request and I will need the same in my favour. My id is [email protected] , I am also in need of this alliance credit so plz help guys”…”…

      • Jeffrey Elizaga

        Ok! After that can you add me too.

    • Fermin

      Sultán y usted ta jugando injustice?

    • Eric

      Dear Fellow Injustice players:

      Can you please add me on Facebook and install this game? I need alliance credits and we can all benefit by adding each other.
      Name: Eric Won Place: New York
      email: [email protected]

      Thank you and best regards,

  • Trauma

    Yeah it’s cool they are releasing new characters but I already beat the entire game. No new stages. So these updates are kinda boring

  • Juliano

    Atualizei o jogo hoje, mais quando clico no botão do facebook ele me joga direto pro safari e da um erro. Como posso resolver esse problema?

  • DC Fan Man

    I think the integration of the new characters is good but not the whole idea of “Alliance Credits”. What about the people who don’t have facebook or don’t have hundreds of random strangers as friends to invite all for only about 5 of those credits. I think there needs to be a re-think of “Alliance Credits” as a second currency in the game and I would like the introduction of more DC characters like Hawkman, Robin etc.
    Regardless, great game love it anyway but some improvements could be made

    • Lotario

      I totally agree with you. I dont know anyone else. If we send the request to someone else only the sender receives the alliance credits or both can do it. If so we could start adding each other in this forum.

      • I Broke the Bat

        Well said, guys. I think that you should be able to send requests to contacts, and link your account to PSN or Xbox Live or whatever.

    • Jeffrey Elizaga

      Can you add me, I’m gonna invite you

  • Shane Matthew Szczecinski

    What if you don’t have Facebook?

  • Mike

    Thanks for your story. You may want to include that the update is full of holes though. Like the Facebook attachment doesn’t work. So you can’t invite friends, hence cannot acquire any points. And that they have already included the new batman in the game on the “?” Levels. I think this game has gotten worse and worse. I don’t want it to become like all the other games on Facebook that people continually hound you to play.

  • informative

    it seems this is the only site that updated on the ios raven and i didn’t even know about aqua man and batman, noice

    • Manny the Tranny

      I have done the update but I still don’t have the challenge. Don’t have a clue what is happening.

      • Anthony

        I did a master reset on my phone and the challenge appeared also click play then go back to home screen

    • Renato

      Hi I live in Hawaii. What time should ours show for raven

    • I Broke the Bat

      I didn’t, either, but I’m glad I found it!

  • Thomas

    I’ve treys it won’t work?

  • Jericho

    Does the Raven challenge begin after September 26 is over? Reason I’m asking is because it hasn’t even started yet.

    • KnowledgetheLasergod

      Of Course it didn’t come out because its not even out

  • Brook

    I sent a bunch of invites but the app told me I’d only receive alliance credits if said invitees joined the game, not just for the act of inviting them. You might want to fix your post.

  • Ariel castillo

    Today is sept 26 and I haven’t received the raven challenge

  • Analysts

    When is it starting

    • Anthony

      Master restart on phone and or click play then back to home screen worked for me

  • Jerrack

    Okay, so it is Friday September 27th now and still no Raven Challenge D:

  • Jazib Abbas

    U should add watchmen Andrew bannet animalman atrocitus ares bat wing shazam birds of prey bizarro black manta blue beetle gold booster brainiac captain cold commissioner Constantine Dayan Wayne darksied dead man gorrila grodd hawk girl hawk man krypton Jonah hex killer frost mera plastic man pandora loucius fox raven ra sa ghul scarecrow reverse flash star fire suicide squad swamp thing the h dial superboy super girl zattana the phantom stranger

  • Fernando

    I have a problem i have been sending the facebook thing but some of my friends all alreday accepted but i dint get the points. somebody can help me with the problem thanks

    • Vibrationist

      I have same issue. Watched them download and signed in. Two days now and still no credit. Anyone help?

    • Zhen Wei

      i face the same problem as you, but we can try feedback to warner bros

  • [: The ReV :]

    I can’t invite fris ,,, how can I invite them

  • Sociald1077

    Can you get the New Joker and support cards from booster packs? I have nowhere near enough friends to get the alliance points needed to get the new stuff.

  • Zhen Wei

    LOLs… i take less then a day, complete the challange haha …. add me in facebook Zhenwei CallMeOppa

  • Anonomous writer

    I got raven the day the challenge came out.

  • Anonomous writer

    But i cant get alliance points & how do you get more challenges? I’ve completedcthe raven challenge but i still have to wait 9 more days.

  • Anonomous writer


  • salex

    My raven challenge doesn’t start?? what should i do?

    • Anthony

      Master restart phone and or click play then back to home screen worked for me

      • salex

        if i restart my iPad is my saves remain or not?

      • salex

        and also thanks alot dude..

  • salex

    it doesn’t worked.. is it because i screw with my iPad date and time for recharge energy?

    • Tomcatf1

      Yes reset to automatic, then restart the app

  • Icosahedrophilia

    The name “Killer Joke Joker” is a mistake. The card has it right, “Killing Joke Joker.” “The Killing Joke” was a graphic novel back in the 80s or 90s in which the Joker shot Barbara Gordon, damaging her spine and confining her to a wheelchair. That’s why she was wheelchair-bound Oracle before the New 52 erased her waist-down paralysis and made her Batgirl again.

  • Konrad

    Hey did you guys know that some people have an arkham origins batman for injustice ios

  • Mazen Mouneimne

    Which new Batman I only have two batmans how do you get the 3rd?

  • vexo

    What do you really have to do to get those alliance points I’m inviting friends on facebook but they are not getting the request what am I doing wrong? Do they have to get ipads or iphones

  • vexo

    Actually I got 3 batmans he is in the store for 375k

  • Arash

    [email protected] on facebook
    Add me plz for credits

  • Black Adam

    how do get freinds

  • Grimreaper

    Can you get these Alliance credits on Ipad?

  • Grimreaper

    Injustice creators go crazy for batman there are 5 of him: Blackest Night, Beyond,Insurgency,the normal one, and the Arkham Origins batman! they’re psycho socials of batman!

  • Grimreaper

    I have 2 batman’s one is the insurgency I’ve bought all his enchantments and I’ve fully upgraded all abilities Explosive Batarang, Lunge Kick, and The Dark Knight Rises and i bought another gold pack the same week and it was him again so mine is Elite with 14,000+ health worth it i think but he was really expensive

  • Grimreaper

    I would estimate the Insurgency Batman’s expenses with everything i bought to make his performance best as possible costed me about 310,000 gold

    • Pauken

      Actually, to max out the the insurgency batman character with elite level 5. It will cost 1,182,000 credits. The Arkham Origins Batman will cost 3,522,000. The is an addition cost of 36,000 to get the support cards, but nice you get them once they will apply tomalley the batman cards. Of course that cost can be brought down if you are lucky to get one in a gold booster pack. I used those to get most of my gold cards up to level 5, until I was getting repeat Banes a few times. Luckily they introduced the sell back feature. At one point I nine Bane cards. That’s when I decided it was worth saving up for the full price. Now perhaps it’s worth going back to gold packs. Haven’t done the math on the sell back rate to see if it’s worth it.


  • Pauken

    Missed the aquaman challenge… Any way to get him after the fact?

  • Steve does injustice god among us

    My favorite caracter is deathstroke redson my one is lvl40 elite V

  • patrick

    how do u get alliacnce points

  • hitesh

    this game is quite the addictive game
    i have all cards yet including the killing joke joker at level 40 elite v
    and i still cant get enough of the game

    • KnowledgetheLasergod

      I only have Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Deathstroke, and Nightwing come over and help me with INJUSTICE

  • KnowledgetheLasergod

    Is there a Adam Strange in Injustice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • KnowledgetheLasergod

    I’m really smart about Learning and DC
    Adam Strange is a Galactic Champion from Earth to Rann by the Zeta Beam.

  • WillxD

    Question. So when you like just get game for YOIR device( I got KINDLE) it started out with deathstroke in Febuary. Doe it just go in order as they uploaded it. And since I just got it for the Kindle is blackest batman still coming as a challenge because I really really really really I think you get the idea want him. Lol, but I like nee him to help me defeat regimes superman plus lex Luther and some other nerd is the story mod on here. I have gotten a long way since I got it lol I already got Solomon Grudy red son and was 1 tournament of 10 challenge away from getting red son deathstroke. ( I didn’t have black Adam or Solomon Grundy red son during that time.)

  • Beast

    Please make another way please please please!!! I don’t want to invite any friends cause you never know who is there or who they are so please add another way to get alliance credits and I want to become better at this game then my friends :D