Aug 072013

Injustice: Gods Among Us for Apple devices has just updated their game to version 1.5.1. This also means that the Batgirl Challenge has been officially removed from the game and any players that have not gotten Batgirl can get her from the market. She can be obtained through purchases and probably through the gold back now because she is part of the Gold class of characters in the game.

injustice - gods among us zod


Up next in the next round of limited edition challenge mode is the Zod Challenge mode that is available for a limited time. We can see this from the notes that the developer has hinted to us in the new update 1.5.1 above. So be sure to get ready to get Zod for your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch devices as he makes his way into Injustice: Gods Among Us!

It is expected that the Zod Challenge will start August 8 2013 which is this Thrusday.


Injustice Gods Among Us – Batgirl

Batgirl appears in the market if you’ve already completed the challenge, if not then you may not be able to obtain her because this is a limited time character, so if you missed batgirl then make sure you don’t miss Zod because he’s only available for a limited time during his challenge to be unlocked into players games too.

This page is about...

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  • how to get zod in injustice gods among us
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  9 Responses to “Injustice: Gods Among Us – Zod Coming Soon Available for Limited time”

  1. it s 8 th aguest but it not start

  2. How do you get Zod when you’ve finished him

  3. Are you serious I missed out on her because I left my charger at vacation could someone write a review on the App Store to let us buy her because my ipad won’t let me. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssse write a review I’ve been waiting for her for forever

  4. man i wish i knew which challenge characters.i think one of them is raven but im not too sure

  5. I don’t understand …I didn’t get any level prize ..I finished 4 of them and no bronzebooster, silverbooster and no 15k money . :(

  6. When will next challenge start
    And who is the next hero ,,,
    If I were to choose ,,,
    I want Shazam or Aquaman ,,,

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