Injustice 2 Superman in Injustice: Gods Among Us, the mobile version, is a card and character you can obtain in the game. You can only obtain this card through the limited time challenge from the developers.
Each character has their own special bonus that adds bonuses to your deck while in play. They also have their own unique attacks and requires special support cards to improve their Health, Attack, or Energy consumption. Find more information about the stats of Injustice 2 Superman in the game below.
Character: Injustice 2 Superman
Must be obtained from Challenge or Purchase
Winning Edge: Upon special attack use, Batman receives a boost for a limited time.Explosive Batarang increase Basic DAMAGE
Future Bat raises CRIT CHANCE.
The Dark Knight increases CRIT DAMAGE.
—1 (Requires level 1)—
Flying Punch: Man of Steel Superman throws out one of his most classic moves to utterly crush his opponent.
—2 (Requires level 5)— Superman smashes his opponent with a powerful blow and launches an airborne assault.
Stay Down:
—3 (Requires level 20)—
Kryptonian Smash: Bang! Zoom! Man of Steel Superman’s unrivaled might is revealed as he devastes his opponent. UNBLOCKABLE.
Support Cards
HEALTH: Alfred – +10% Health for Injustice 2 Superman.
ATTACK: Oracle – +10% Damage for Injustice 2 Superman.
ENERGY: Batcave – +10% Energy Regeneration for Injustice 2 Superman
Character Rating
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Rating: 4.3/5 (3 votes cast)
*As you level your attacks, the strength of the attacks will grow. Players are able to level their attacks 10 times before it maxes out.
*Any bonuses from the character affecting another character should affect all cards with the character’s name. It does not matter if it is Regime or Insurgency or Normal unless stated.
Injustice 2 Superman | Injustice: Gods Among Us, 4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings