Injustice: Gods Among Us – Martian Manhunter


Martian Manhunter in Injustice: Gods Among Us, the mobile version, is a card and character you can obtain in the game. You can only obtain this card by purchasing it in the market. It was released on December 12 2013 and is only available for a limited time through the Challenge Mode.

Each character has their own special bonus that adds bonuses to your deck while in play. They also have their own unique attacks and requires special support cards to improve their Health, Attack, or Energy consumption. Find more information about the stats of Martian Manhunter in the game below.

Character: Martian Manhunter

Release Date IOS: December 12, 2013
Release Date Android: TBA
Injustice Gods Among Us – Martian Manhunter
Price:  211,000 Injustice Gods Among Us Power Credit

  •  NOTE: Only available through Challenge Mode.
Bonus: Telepathic Attack: Martian Manhunter’s basic combo has a chance of launching a Telepathic Attack, which causes random effects on his opponent.
Attacks* —1 (Requires level 1)—

  • Phase Assault: Martian Manhunter Phases through the ground and reappears with a devastating uppercut from under the opponent.

—2 (Requires level 5)—

  • Pillar Slam: Martian Manhunter summons a powerful beam of telekinetic energy that erupts from the ground.

—3 (Requires level 20)—

  • Son of Mars: Martian Manhunter teleports his victim to his home planet for a crushing blow. UNBLOCKABLE.
Support Cards HEALTH: Bag of Chocos – +10% Health for Martian Manhunter Characters
ATTACK: Mars, the Red Planet – +10% Damage for Martian Manhunter Characters
ENERGY: JLA Watchtower – +10% Energy Regeneration for Martian Manhunter Characters
Character Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 4.5/5 (122 votes cast)

*As you level your attacks, the strength of the attacks will grow. Players are able to level their attacks 10 times before it maxes out.

*Any bonuses from the character affecting another character should affect all cards with the character’s name. It does not matter if it is  Arkham Origins or Insurgency or Normal unless stated.

Damage & Stats

Injustice Gods Among Us – Martian Manhunter Card

We are no longer documenting stats and damages due to constant adjustments to the stats through updates.

 Martian Manhunter Video

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Martian Manhunter, 4.5 out of 5 based on 122 ratings
  • ale


  • Ryan

    Ah man! I was hoping for a Zod repeat, but at least Martian Manhunter is pretty good.

  • MrsGaming

    ~Anything with an asterisk (*) will be updated in the replies to this original post as it comes available.

    Martian Manhunter

    Level: 20*
    Rank: Elite V
    Damage: 13,466* (+Support Enhancement)
    Health: 27,994* (+Support Enhancement)

    Min: 4,443*
    Max: 8,887*

    PILLAR SLAM (10)
    Min: 13,331*
    Max: 26,662*

    SON OF MARS (10)
    Damage: 13,331*

    • MrsGaming


    • MrsGaming


      • MrsGaming

        Martian Manhunter

        Level: 40
        Rank: Elite V
        Damage: 21,465 (+ Regular & ALL Alliance Support Enhancements)
        Health: 57,024 (+Regular & ALL Alliance Support Enhancements)

        PHASE ASSAULT (10)
        Min: 7,083
        Max: 14,166

        PILLAR SLAM (10)
        Min: 21,250
        Max: 42,500

        SON OF MARS (10)
        Damage: 21,250

    • vinlen

      dude the son of mars is a waste of power coz pillar slam does 26k dmg and the son of mars only dealt 13k with unblockable

      • Shaky

        The son of mars does as much damage as other characters with750 initial damage do in their special moves. Theres only a printing mistake and no glitch

  • Y2Jericho

    Martian Manhunter is glitched, just like Regime Aquaman and Hawkgirl. Their basic attacks, when you swipe them, they don’t work half the time. Aldo, when they land in, they make no sound. These bugs haven’t been squashed yet. Either Netherrealms didn’t hear about them yet, or they are too lazy to take care of them. If anyone can contact them, please tell them that Regime Aquaman, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter are glitched and need fixing. Thanks.

    • The dark knight

      Nope they work for mine. All of them. Urs is probably broken. Martian man hunters special attack is epic

      • Y2Jericho

        I have an I-Phone 4. It’s in great condition. It’s that they are too lazy to fix it up. I’m not buying a 5 over stuff like this.

        • Y2Jericho

          And by fix it up, I meant taking care of those glitches and bugs.

    • Dennis

      I had this a white ago with regime aquaman but after the latent update it works for me… (And that update was a white ago so…)

  • Ryan

    I agree too. Hawkgirl sometimes when i clearly swipe, she doesn’t hit. That sometimes happens with Martian Manhunter when i swipe, he doesn’t move. But I think it might go away within a few days. The only thing I really don’t like about him, is that he should do more damage instead of just 750. I think he should be at least at 850. But otherwise he is good. What do you think?

    • Y2Jericho

      Now for his appeal and physical design, I love it. Kudos there. His second move should only use his strechiness, like his first move utilizes his teleportation skills, but that’s just me. I love his ability, but it’s pointless if it doesn’t work. His attack stats should be higher than his health clearly. There is no character that can do better with damage than with health, and it sucks that it continues. Other than that, he’s good for what he is. Overall, a good character. But I want more. Like Ares or a gold Green Arrow skin. Thank you for your insight. 🙂

      • Dcemones

        I know. But I can contact netherrealms, so if you want a message sent, tell me.

      • Melonsoldier

        Red son Deathstroke and blackest night batman have more dmg than health.

    • Y2Jericho

      One more thing, I want his bag of Chocos. I got hungry when I saw that support card and purchased it lol.

  • Omar

    If I beat twice the challenge, will i get a second martian?

  • OngCS123

    After completing the challenge once, the expert difficulty Martian Manhunter has 111k+ HP. How am I going to beat that? It’s annoying enough that he attacks in so rapidly I barely have time to block before he slaughters my characters.

  • Tybar8888

    Haven’t noticed any glitches with Manhunter, but there is a typo. On his stats page (mine is level 39, elite II) it say his third level attack does 8575 points of damage, but he actually does a little over 21,000. I remember the same was true when Batgirl first came out. It was fixed with one of the updates.

    In the Manhunter challenge I skipped two battles, Nightmare challenge 3 (Bronze/Silvers only)–the final Dampening field battle, then I skipped the very last battle with Manhunter. What characters did everyone use to win those two battles?

    • Shaky

      I completed the last dampening field battle with batgirl arkham origins batman and bane(compulsory)

  • Noel

    There’s a bug in the challenge that does not allow me to buy my way past the third challenge. I’ve completed all challenges except #3.

    – To Skip matches, the price tag is $0???. When I confirm, the game shows a message saying “challenge completed” however when I confirm, I do NOT receive the third artifact.

    – when I press Fight instead, the game gets stuck at that screen. I have to restart the game at that point.

    Please help or fix!!! Thanx!!!

  • nelson

    it is better if they add DArksied or Brainiac it could be a match up to the jla heroes ..

  • Ryan

    Does anyone know who the next challenge character and when? I need time to get all my characters elite V.

    • Your Bane

      ive been trying to find who the next challenge character is because i cant wait. but i dont know yet. im guessing it could be one of the support card that works for all characters like dr fate. ras al ghul. power girl. maybe even ares (although i think he will be the last one they do before they start repeating challenges). anyways itll probably be 3 days after the challenge is over. thats about the normal time

  • Zhen Wei

    How to defeat the martian manhunter in expert mode. i has been stuck in days

    • Doc

      I used Bane, Wonder Woman and Batman, all Elite V & I barely made beat him after four attempts. Basically just let all of their finishers build up and used them back to back to back.

    • VOVA

      Me too. I have 180k worth of damage to a character with 118K worth of energy and he still doesn’t go down

      • Hashem ax

        I have skipped the match with 60.000 credits

  • Casual gamer

    Zhen Wei,
    I beat him using Man of Steel Superman and other characters, but by using Man of Steel’s repeated supermove, you can beat him. Obviously it takes a bit of luck in case you don’t hit the 30% repeat, but I got lucky the first time and hit it twice in a row.

  • Casual gamer

    I believe the next character will be normal Raven, because when you play through the challenge mode, she’s one of the characters you have to fight. Not to be confused with Regime Raven who’s challenge has already passed.

  • Maharshi.B

    You need to promote three gold characters to level 40 and elite V to finish expert level.I defeated him with the insurgency joker level 40 eliteV,doomsday level 40 elite V and regime superman level 40 elite V.

  • MrsGaming

    Martian Manhunter

    Level: 40
    Rank: Elite V
    Damage: 21,465 (+ Regular & ALL Alliance Support Enhancements)
    Health: 57,024 (+Regular & ALL Alliance Support Enhancements)

    Min: 7,083
    Max: 14,166

    PILLAR SLAM (10)
    Min: 21,250
    Max: 42,500

    SON OF MARS (10)
    Damage: 21,250

  • souheil

    got him ont he first day of the challenge. hes epic.

  • Concerned

    so my martian manhunter is at level 20 but his stat for the “son of mars” attack is only at 1,710. Did everyone else experience that? Is there something wrong with my card?

  • Ryan

    There is a minor glitch with Martian Manhunter’s third. People said that his third does as much as his second minimum? It’s same for me, but when when ever I use his third, it does more damage than its says.(He is elite 2 level 40. Second does minimum around 8,000 and max around 17,000. Third says around 5,000, but it does about 12,000 damage. All with support enchantments. No alliance cards.)

    • The dark knight

      Lobo had the same problem. Did the right damage but had low damage stats

  • Peak

    He is the first challenge guy I got

  • Edu

    Iphone 4s/5/5s users have his swipe working 100%?

  • Ravi0108

    May i know how to get health at 57k and damage at 21k?? I got following result at maximum level.

    Martian Manhunter

    Level: 40
    Rank: Elite V
    Damage: 17,490 (+ Regular 10% damage support card )
    Health: 46,464 (+Regular 10% health support card)

    Min: 5,771
    Max: 11,543

    PILLAR SLAM (10)
    Min: 17,315
    Max: 34,630(but it does almost 40k damage at 200% succuessful attack)

    SON OF MARS (10)
    Damage: 17,315 (but it does almost 40k damage at 200% succuessful attack)

    Read more:

  • Yasin

    if anyone give me their WB id and password i will give u my save
    over a billion credits

    • Konstantinos

      Hey Yasin,

      Could you be kind enough to give me your WBID in order to obtain the Martian Hunter card?
      Considering the credits, I also have a billion too.
      My email is [email protected]

      Thank you in advance,

    • andy

      how u gonna do that?

  • George

    Do someone know how i can get this card? Because the challenge had allready ended. What can i do?

  • Patrick

    Yo all u have to do is get the 150k pack

  • Andrew Phung

    I got Martian Manhunter in my first challenge pack, don’t know if that is good or bad

  • Andrew Phung

    I got Martian Manhunter in my first challenge pack, I don’t know if that is good or bad